Uses of Interface

Packages that use Constraint
org.springframework.core.closure Closure and constraint function object interfaces. Closure and constraint function object core support implementations. 
org.springframework.rules Core interfaces for the expression and function object/rules library. 
org.springframework.rules.closure Out of the box functions that address common needs. 
org.springframework.rules.constraint Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition. Out of the box predicates and constraint building blocks involving bean properties. 
org.springframework.rules.factory Factories for creating rules. 
org.springframework.rules.reporting Rules result reporting interfaces and classes. 

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.core.closure

Methods in org.springframework.core.closure with parameters of type Constraint
 boolean ElementGenerator.allTrue(Constraint constraint)
          Does this process produce all elements matching the given criteria?
 boolean ElementGenerator.anyTrue(Constraint constraint)
          Does this process produce an element matching the given criteria?
 ElementGenerator ElementGenerator.findAll(Constraint constraint)
          Find all elements produced by ths template that match the specified criteria.
 Object ElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint)
          Find the first element that matches the given criteria.
 Object ElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint, Object defaultIfNoneFound)
          Find the first element that matches the given criteria, return defaultIfNoneFound if none found.
 void ElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback, Constraint constraint)
          Execute the template until the specified condition is true

Uses of Constraint in

Classes in that implement Constraint
 class AbstractConstraint
          Convenient class that uses the Algorithms on its own instance.

Methods in with parameters of type Constraint
 boolean Algorithms.allTrue(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
          Returns true if all elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition.
 boolean AlgorithmsAccessor.allTrue(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
 boolean AbstractElementGenerator.allTrue(Constraint constraint)
          Does this process produce all elements matching the given criteria?
 boolean Algorithms.allTrue(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
          Returns true if all elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition.
 boolean AlgorithmsAccessor.allTrue(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
 boolean Algorithms.anyTrue(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
          Returns true if any elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition.
 boolean AlgorithmsAccessor.anyTrue(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
 boolean AbstractElementGenerator.anyTrue(Constraint constraint)
          Does this process produce an element matching the given criteria?
 boolean Algorithms.anyTrue(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
          Returns true if any elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition.
 boolean AlgorithmsAccessor.anyTrue(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
 Collection Algorithms.findAll(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
          Find all the elements in the collection that match the specified constraint.
 Collection AlgorithmsAccessor.findAll(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
 ElementGenerator AbstractElementGenerator.findAll(Constraint constraint)
          Find all elements produced by ths template that match the specified criteria.
 Collection Algorithms.findAll(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
          Find all the elements in the collection that match the specified constraint.
 Collection AlgorithmsAccessor.findAll(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
 Object Algorithms.findFirst(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
          Find the first element in the collection matching the specified constraint.
 Object AlgorithmsAccessor.findFirst(Collection collection, Constraint constraint)
 Object AbstractElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint)
          Find the first element that matches the given criteria.
 Object AbstractElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint, Object defaultIfNoneFound)
          Find the first element that matches the given criteria, return defaultIfNoneFound if none found.
 Object Algorithms.findFirst(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
          Find the first element in the collection matching the specified constraint.
 Object AlgorithmsAccessor.findFirst(Iterator it, Constraint constraint)
 void AbstractElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback, Constraint constraint)
          Run a block of code (Closure) until a specific test (Constraint) is passed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Constraint
IfBlock(Constraint constraint, Closure closure)

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Constraint
 void InputApplicationDialog.setInputConstraint(Constraint constraint)

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser that implement Constraint
static class FileChecks.FileExists
static class FileChecks.FileIsFile
static class FileChecks.FileIsReadable

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser that return Constraint
static Constraint FileChecks.readableFileCheck()

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that return Constraint
 Constraint AbstractListBinder.getFilter()
          Returns the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items.
 Constraint AbstractListBinding.getFilter()

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type Constraint
protected  AbstractFilteredListModel AbstractListBinding.createFilteredModel(ListModel model, Constraint constraint)
 void AbstractListBinder.setFilter(Constraint filter)
          Defines the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items.
 void AbstractListBinding.setFilter(Constraint filter)

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder with parameters of type Constraint
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addSelector(String fieldName, Constraint filter)
          Adds the field to the form by using a selector component.
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addSelector(String fieldName, Constraint filter, String attributes)
          Adds the field to the form by using a selector component.
protected  JComponent AbstractFormBuilder.createSelector(String fieldName, Constraint filter)
          Creates a component which is used as a selector in the form.

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.list

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.list that return Constraint
 Constraint FilteredListModel.getConstraint()

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.list with parameters of type Constraint
 void FilteredListModel.setConstraint(Constraint constraint)
          Defines the constraint which is applied to the list model elements

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.list with parameters of type Constraint
FilteredComboBoxListModel(ComboBoxModel filteredModel, Constraint filter)
FilteredListModel(ListModel listModel, Constraint constraint)
          Constructs a new instance

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules

Classes in org.springframework.rules that implement Constraint
 class Rules
          A factory for creating rules.

Methods in org.springframework.rules with parameters of type Constraint
 void Rules.add(String propertyName, Constraint valueConstraint)
          Adds a value constraint for the specified property.
 void Rules.add(String propertyName, Constraint[] valueConstraints)
          Adds a value constraint for the specified property.
 void Rules.addRequired(String propertyName, Constraint otherConstraints)

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.closure

Subinterfaces of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.closure
 interface BinaryConstraint
          A function object that tests two arguments and returns a single boolean result.

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.constraint

Classes in org.springframework.rules.constraint that implement Constraint
 class AbstractBinaryConstraint
 class And
          A "and" compound constraint (aka conjunction).
 class ClosureResultConstraint
          Tests the result returned from evaluating a closure closure.
 class ComparisonBinaryPredicate
          Abstract helper superclass for binary predicates involved in comparison operations.
 class CompoundConstraint
          Abstract base class for unary constraints which compose other constraints.
 class EqualTo
          Constraint that tests object equality (not identity.)
 class GreaterThan
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than another.
 class GreaterThanEqualTo
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than or equal to another.
 class IfTrue
 class InGroup
          A constraint that tests if an argument is one of a group.
 class LessThan
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than another.
 class LessThanEqualTo
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than or equal to another.
 class Like
          A like constraint, supporting "starts with%", "%ends with", and "%contains%".
 class MethodInvokingConstraint
          A adapter that can adapt a method on an object that accepts a single argument and returns a boolean result a UnaryPredicate.
 class Not
          "Nots" another unary constraint (the inverse) by using composition.
 class Or
          A "or" compound constraint (aka disjunction).
 class ParameterizedBinaryConstraint
          A unary constraint adapting a binary constraint that uses a parameterized constant value as the second argument when testing.
 class Range
          A range whose edges are defined by a minimum Comparable and a maximum Comparable.
 class RegexpConstraint
          A constraint based on a regular expression pattern.
 class Required
          Validates a required property.
 class StringLengthConstraint
          Constraint to validate an object's string length.
 class TypeResolvableConstraint
          Convenient abstract super class for predicates whose type's are resolvable, useful for mapping the type to a i18n message in a message source.
 class WildcardConstraint
          Always returns true; a wildcard match
 class XOr
          A "xor" compound constraint (aka exclusive disjunction).

Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint that return Constraint
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.all(Constraint[] predicates)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.and(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.any(Constraint[] constraints)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, boolean parameter)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, double parameter)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, float parameter)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, int parameter)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, Object parameter)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.eq(int value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.eq(Object value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.eq(Object value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint CompoundConstraint.get(int index)
 Constraint Not.getConstraint()
 Constraint ClosureResultConstraint.getPredicate()
 Constraint StringLengthConstraint.getPredicate()
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.gte(Comparable value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.gte(double value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.gte(float value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.gte(int value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.gte(long value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.gte(Object value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrueElse(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.inGroup(Object[] group)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.inGroup(Set group)
 Constraint encodedLikeString)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.lte(Comparable value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.lte(double value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.lte(float value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.lte(int value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.lte(long value)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.lte(Object value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.maxLength(int maxLength)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.method(Object target, String methodName, String constraintType)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.minLength(int minLength)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.not(Constraint constraint)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.or(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.present()
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(Comparable min, Comparable max)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(Comparable min, Comparable max, boolean inclusive)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(float min, float max)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(int min, int max)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(long min, long max)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(Object min, Object max, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.range(Object min, Object max, Comparator comparator, boolean inclusive)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.regexp(String regexp)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.regexp(String regexp, String constraintType)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.required()
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.testResultOf(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
static Constraint LessThan.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint LessThanEqualTo.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint GreaterThanEqualTo.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint GreaterThan.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint EqualTo.value(Object value)
static Constraint LessThan.value(Object value, Comparator comparator)
static Constraint EqualTo.value(Object value, Comparator comparator)
static Constraint LessThanEqualTo.value(Object value, Comparator comparator)
static Constraint GreaterThanEqualTo.value(Object value, Comparator comparator)
static Constraint GreaterThan.value(Object value, Comparator comparator)

Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Constraint
 CompoundConstraint CompoundConstraint.add(Constraint constraint)
          Add the specified constraint to the set of constraints aggregated by this compound constraint.
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.all(Constraint[] predicates)
 PropertyConstraint ConstraintsAccessor.all(String propertyName, Constraint[] constraints)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.and(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.any(Constraint[] constraints)
 PropertyConstraint ConstraintsAccessor.any(String propertyName, Constraint[] constraints)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrueElse(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
 int CompoundConstraint.indexOf(Constraint child)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.not(Constraint constraint)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.or(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
 void CompoundConstraint.remove(Constraint constraint)
 void CompoundConstraint.set(int index, Constraint constraint)
 void Not.setConstraint(Constraint constraint)
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.testResultOf(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
 PropertyConstraint ConstraintsAccessor.value(String propertyName, Constraint valueConstraint)

Constructors in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Constraint
And(Constraint[] constraints)
          "Ands" the specified constraints.
And(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          "Ands" two constraints.
ClosureResultConstraint(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
          Creates a ClosureResultConstraint that tests the result returned from evaulating the specified unary closure.
CompoundConstraint(Constraint[] constraints)
          Creates a CompoundUnaryPredicate composed of the specified constraints.
CompoundConstraint(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          Creates a CompoundUnaryPredicate composed of two constraints.
IfTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
IfTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
IfTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue, String type)
IfTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, String type)
Not(Constraint constraint)
          Creates a UnaryNot
Or(Constraint[] constraints)
          "Ors" the specified constraints.
Or(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          "Ors" two constraints.
XOr(Constraint[] constraints)
          "Ors" the specified constraints.
XOr(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          "Ors" two constraints.

Uses of Constraint in

Subinterfaces of Constraint in
 interface PropertyConstraint
          A predicate that constrains a bean property in some way.

Classes in that implement Constraint
 class AbstractPropertyConstraint
          Convenience superclass for bean property expressions.
 class CompoundPropertyConstraint
          Abstract base class for unary predicates which compose other predicates.
 class ConditionalPropertyConstraint
           Provides a way to trigger rules for propertyB when propertyA satisfies a certain condition:
 class NegatedPropertyConstraint
 class ParameterizedPropertyConstraint
          A constraint that returns the result of a boolean expression that tests a variable bean property value against a constant parameter value.
 class PropertiesConstraint
          A constraint that returns the result of a boolean expression that tests two variable bean property values.
 class PropertyInGroupConstraint
          Property constraint which works like InGroup constraint but allows using a dynamic value list to determine if a property value is in a group of values.
 class PropertyPresent
          Predicate that tests if the specified bean property is "present" - that is, passes the "Required" test.
 class PropertyValueConstraint
          A constraint that returns the result of a boolean expression that tests a variable bean property value against a predicate (constraint).
 class RequiredIfOthersPresent
 class RequiredIfTrue
          Validates a property value as 'required' if some other condition is true.
 class UniquePropertyValueConstraint

Methods in that return Constraint
 Constraint PropertyValueConstraint.getConstraint()
 Constraint RequiredIfTrue.getConstraint()
 Constraint CompoundPropertyConstraint.getPredicate()

Methods in with parameters of type Constraint
protected  void RequiredIfTrue.setConstraint(Constraint predicate)

Constructors in with parameters of type Constraint
ParameterizedPropertyConstraint(String propertyName, Constraint parameterizedExpression)
PropertyValueConstraint(String propertyName, Constraint valueConstraint)
          Creates a BeanPropertyValueConstraint.
RequiredIfTrue(String propertyName, Constraint predicate)
          Tests that the property is present if the provided predicate is satisified.

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.factory

Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory that return Constraint
 Constraint Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, boolean parameter)
          Bind the specified boolean parameter to the second argument of the BinaryConstraint.
 Constraint Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, double parameter)
          Bind the specified double parameter to the second argument of the BinaryConstraint.
 Constraint Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, float parameter)
          Bind the specified float parameter to the second argument of the BinaryConstraint.
 Constraint Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, int parameter)
          Bind the specified int parameter to the second argument of the BinaryConstraint.
 Constraint Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint, Object parameter)
          Bind the specified parameter to the second argument of the BinaryConstraint.
 Constraint Constraints.eq(int value)
 Constraint Constraints.eq(Object value)
 Constraint Constraints.eq(Object value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint Constraints.gte(Comparable value)
 Constraint Constraints.gte(double value)
 Constraint Constraints.gte(float value)
 Constraint Constraints.gte(int value)
 Constraint Constraints.gte(long value)
 Constraint Constraints.gte(Object value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue, String type)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, String type)
 Constraint Constraints.inGroup(int[] group)
          Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint.
 Constraint Constraints.inGroup(Object[] group)
          Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint.
 Constraint Constraints.inGroup(Set group)
          Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint.
 Constraint encodedLikeString)
          Returns a 'like' constraint.
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint value)
 Constraint Constraints.lte(Comparable value)
 Constraint Constraints.lte(double value)
 Constraint Constraints.lte(float value)
 Constraint Constraints.lte(int value)
 Constraint Constraints.lte(long value)
 Constraint Constraints.lte(Object value, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint Constraints.maxLength(int maxLength)
          Returns a maxlength constraint.
 Constraint Constraints.method(Object target, String methodName, String constraintType)
          Returns a constraint whose test is determined by a boolean method on a target object.
 Constraint Constraints.minLength(int minLength)
          Returns a minlength constraint.
 Constraint Constraints.not(Constraint constraint)
          Negate the specified constraint.
 Constraint Constraints.present()
 Constraint Constraints.range(Comparable min, Comparable max)
 Constraint Constraints.range(Comparable min, Comparable max, boolean inclusive)
 Constraint Constraints.range(double min, double max)
 Constraint Constraints.range(float min, float max)
 Constraint Constraints.range(int min, int max)
 Constraint Constraints.range(long min, long max)
 Constraint Constraints.range(Object min, Object max, Comparator comparator)
 Constraint Constraints.range(Object min, Object max, Comparator comparator, boolean inclusive)
 Constraint Constraints.regexp(String regexp)
          Creates a constraint backed by a regular expression.
 Constraint Constraints.regexp(String regexp, String type)
          Creates a constraint backed by a regular expression, with a type for reporting.
 Constraint Constraints.required()
          Returns a required constraint.
 Constraint Constraints.testResultOf(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
          Attaches a constraint that tests the result returned by evaluating the specified closure.

Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory with parameters of type Constraint
 PropertyConstraint PropertyConstraints.all(Constraint[] valueConstraints)
 And Constraints.all(Constraint[] constraints)
          Return the conjunction (all constraint) for all constraints.
 PropertyConstraint Constraints.all(String propertyName, Constraint[] constraints)
          Apply an "all" value constraint to the provided bean property.
 And Constraints.and(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          AND two constraints.
 PropertyConstraint PropertyConstraints.any(Constraint[] valueConstraints)
 Or Constraints.any(Constraint[] constraints)
          Return the disjunction (any constraint) for all constraints.
 PropertyConstraint Constraints.any(String propertyName, Constraint[] constraints)
          Apply an "any" value constraint to the provided bean property.
 Closure Closures.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Closure closure)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue, String type)
 Constraint Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue, String type)
 Constraint Constraints.not(Constraint constraint)
          Negate the specified constraint.
 Or Constraints.or(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          OR two constraints.
 Constraint Constraints.testResultOf(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
          Attaches a constraint that tests the result returned by evaluating the specified closure.
 PropertyConstraint Constraints.value(String propertyName, Constraint valueConstraint)
          Attach a value constraint for the provided bean property.

Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.reporting

Methods in org.springframework.rules.reporting that return Constraint
 Constraint ValidationResults.getViolatedConstraint()
 Constraint PropertyResults.getViolatedConstraint()
 Constraint ValueValidationResults.getViolatedConstraint()

Methods in org.springframework.rules.reporting with parameters of type Constraint
 ValidationResults ValidationResultsCollector.collect(Object argument, Constraint constraint)
protected  void BeanValidationResultsBuilder.constraintViolated(Constraint constraint)
protected abstract  void ValidationResultsBuilder.constraintViolated(Constraint constraint)
 String MessageTranslator.getMessage(Constraint constraint)
 String DefaultMessageTranslator.getMessage(Constraint constraint)
 String MessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName, Constraint constraint)
 String DefaultMessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName, Constraint constraint)
 String MessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName, Object rejectedValue, Constraint constraint)
 String DefaultMessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName, Object rejectedValue, Constraint constraint)
 void ValidationResultsBuilder.push(Constraint constraint)

Constructors in org.springframework.rules.reporting with parameters of type Constraint
PropertyResults(String propertyName, Object rejectedValue, Constraint violatedConstraint)
SummingVisitor(Constraint constraint)
ValueValidationResults(Object argument, Constraint violatedConstraint)

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