Packages that use Constraint | |
org.springframework.core.closure | Closure and constraint function object interfaces. |
org.springframework.core.closure.support | Closure and constraint function object core support implementations. |
org.springframework.richclient.dialog | |
org.springframework.richclient.filechooser | |
org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing | |
org.springframework.richclient.form.builder | |
org.springframework.richclient.list | |
org.springframework.rules | Core interfaces for the expression and function object/rules library. |
org.springframework.rules.closure | Out of the box functions that address common needs. |
org.springframework.rules.constraint | Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition. |
org.springframework.rules.constraint.property | Out of the box predicates and constraint building blocks involving bean properties. |
org.springframework.rules.factory | Factories for creating rules. |
org.springframework.rules.reporting | Rules result reporting interfaces and classes. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.core.closure |
Methods in org.springframework.core.closure with parameters of type Constraint | |
boolean |
ElementGenerator.allTrue(Constraint constraint)
Does this process produce all elements matching the given criteria? |
boolean |
ElementGenerator.anyTrue(Constraint constraint)
Does this process produce an element matching the given criteria? |
ElementGenerator |
ElementGenerator.findAll(Constraint constraint)
Find all elements produced by ths template that match the specified criteria. |
Object |
ElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint)
Find the first element that matches the given criteria. |
Object |
ElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint,
Object defaultIfNoneFound)
Find the first element that matches the given criteria, return defaultIfNoneFound if none found. |
void |
ElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback,
Constraint constraint)
Execute the template until the specified condition is true |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.core.closure.support |
Classes in org.springframework.core.closure.support that implement Constraint | |
class |
Convenient class that uses the Algorithms on its own instance. |
Methods in org.springframework.core.closure.support with parameters of type Constraint | |
boolean |
Algorithms.allTrue(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
Returns true if all elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition. |
boolean |
AlgorithmsAccessor.allTrue(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
boolean |
AbstractElementGenerator.allTrue(Constraint constraint)
Does this process produce all elements matching the given criteria? |
boolean |
Algorithms.allTrue(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
Returns true if all elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition. |
boolean |
AlgorithmsAccessor.allTrue(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
boolean |
Algorithms.anyTrue(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
Returns true if any elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition. |
boolean |
AlgorithmsAccessor.anyTrue(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
boolean |
AbstractElementGenerator.anyTrue(Constraint constraint)
Does this process produce an element matching the given criteria? |
boolean |
Algorithms.anyTrue(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
Returns true if any elements in the given collection meet the specified predicate condition. |
boolean |
AlgorithmsAccessor.anyTrue(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
Collection |
Algorithms.findAll(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
Find all the elements in the collection that match the specified constraint. |
Collection |
AlgorithmsAccessor.findAll(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
ElementGenerator |
AbstractElementGenerator.findAll(Constraint constraint)
Find all elements produced by ths template that match the specified criteria. |
Collection |
Algorithms.findAll(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
Find all the elements in the collection that match the specified constraint. |
Collection |
AlgorithmsAccessor.findAll(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
Object |
Algorithms.findFirst(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
Find the first element in the collection matching the specified constraint. |
Object |
AlgorithmsAccessor.findFirst(Collection collection,
Constraint constraint)
Object |
AbstractElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint)
Find the first element that matches the given criteria. |
Object |
AbstractElementGenerator.findFirst(Constraint constraint,
Object defaultIfNoneFound)
Find the first element that matches the given criteria, return defaultIfNoneFound if none found. |
Object |
Algorithms.findFirst(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
Find the first element in the collection matching the specified constraint. |
Object |
AlgorithmsAccessor.findFirst(Iterator it,
Constraint constraint)
void |
AbstractElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback,
Constraint constraint)
Run a block of code (Closure) until a specific test (Constraint) is passed. |
Constructors in org.springframework.core.closure.support with parameters of type Constraint | |
IfBlock(Constraint constraint,
Closure closure)
Constructor. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.dialog |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Constraint | |
void |
InputApplicationDialog.setInputConstraint(Constraint constraint)
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser that implement Constraint | |
static class |
static class |
static class |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser that return Constraint | |
static Constraint |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that return Constraint | |
Constraint |
Returns the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items. |
Constraint |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type Constraint | |
protected AbstractFilteredListModel |
AbstractListBinding.createFilteredModel(ListModel model,
Constraint constraint)
void |
AbstractListBinder.setFilter(Constraint filter)
Defines the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items. |
void |
AbstractListBinding.setFilter(Constraint filter)
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder with parameters of type Constraint | |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addSelector(String fieldName,
Constraint filter)
Adds the field to the form by using a selector component. |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addSelector(String fieldName,
Constraint filter,
String attributes)
Adds the field to the form by using a selector component. |
protected JComponent |
AbstractFormBuilder.createSelector(String fieldName,
Constraint filter)
Creates a component which is used as a selector in the form. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.richclient.list |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.list that return Constraint | |
Constraint |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.list with parameters of type Constraint | |
void |
FilteredListModel.setConstraint(Constraint constraint)
Defines the constraint which is applied to the list model elements |
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.list with parameters of type Constraint | |
FilteredComboBoxListModel(ComboBoxModel filteredModel,
Constraint filter)
FilteredListModel(ListModel listModel,
Constraint constraint)
Constructs a new instance |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules |
Classes in org.springframework.rules that implement Constraint | |
class |
A factory for creating rules. |
Methods in org.springframework.rules with parameters of type Constraint | |
void |
Rules.add(String propertyName,
Constraint valueConstraint)
Adds a value constraint for the specified property. |
void |
Rules.add(String propertyName,
Constraint[] valueConstraints)
Adds a value constraint for the specified property. |
void |
Rules.addRequired(String propertyName,
Constraint otherConstraints)
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.closure |
Subinterfaces of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.closure | |
interface |
A function object that tests two arguments and returns a single boolean result. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.constraint |
Classes in org.springframework.rules.constraint that implement Constraint | |
class |
class |
A "and" compound constraint (aka conjunction). |
class |
Tests the result returned from evaluating a closure closure. |
class |
Abstract helper superclass for binary predicates involved in comparison operations. |
class |
Abstract base class for unary constraints which compose other constraints. |
class |
Constraint that tests object equality (not identity.) |
class |
Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than another. |
class |
Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than or equal to another. |
class |
class |
A constraint that tests if an argument is one of a group. |
class |
Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than another. |
class |
Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than or equal to another. |
class |
A like constraint, supporting "starts with%", "%ends with", and "%contains%". |
class |
A adapter that can adapt a method on an object that accepts a single argument and returns a boolean result a UnaryPredicate. |
class |
"Nots" another unary constraint (the inverse) by using composition. |
class |
A "or" compound constraint (aka disjunction). |
class |
A unary constraint adapting a binary constraint that uses a parameterized constant value as the second argument when testing. |
class |
A range whose edges are defined by a minimum Comparable and a maximum Comparable. |
class |
A constraint based on a regular expression pattern. |
class |
Validates a required property. |
class |
Constraint to validate an object's string length. |
class |
Convenient abstract super class for predicates whose type's are resolvable, useful for mapping the type to a i18n message in a message source. |
class |
Always returns true; a wildcard match |
class |
A "xor" compound constraint (aka exclusive disjunction). |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint that return Constraint | |
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.all(Constraint[] predicates)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.and(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.any(Constraint[] constraints)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
boolean parameter)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
double parameter)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
float parameter)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
int parameter)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
Object parameter)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eq(int value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eq(Object value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eq(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
CompoundConstraint.get(int index)
Constraint |
Constraint |
Constraint |
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(Comparable value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(double value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(float value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(int value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(long value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(Comparable value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(double value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(float value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(int value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(long value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrueElse(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inGroup(Object[] group)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inGroup(Set group)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.like(String encodedLikeString)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(Comparable value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(Comparable value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(double value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(float value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(int value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(long value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(Comparable value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(double value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(float value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(int value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(long value)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.maxLength(int maxLength)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.method(Object target,
String methodName,
String constraintType)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.minLength(int minLength)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.not(Constraint constraint)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.or(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
Constraint |
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(Comparable min,
Comparable max)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(Comparable min,
Comparable max,
boolean inclusive)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(float min,
float max)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(int min,
int max)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(long min,
long max)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(Object min,
Object max,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.range(Object min,
Object max,
Comparator comparator,
boolean inclusive)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.regexp(String regexp)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.regexp(String regexp,
String constraintType)
Constraint |
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.testResultOf(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
static Constraint |
LessThan.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint |
LessThanEqualTo.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint |
GreaterThanEqualTo.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint |
GreaterThan.value(Comparable value)
static Constraint |
EqualTo.value(Object value)
static Constraint |
LessThan.value(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
static Constraint |
EqualTo.value(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
static Constraint |
LessThanEqualTo.value(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
static Constraint |
GreaterThanEqualTo.value(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
static Constraint |
GreaterThan.value(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Constraint | |
CompoundConstraint |
CompoundConstraint.add(Constraint constraint)
Add the specified constraint to the set of constraints aggregated by this compound constraint. |
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.all(Constraint[] predicates)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.all(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.and(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.any(Constraint[] constraints)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.any(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.ifTrueElse(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
int |
CompoundConstraint.indexOf(Constraint child)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.not(Constraint constraint)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.or(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
void |
CompoundConstraint.remove(Constraint constraint)
void |
CompoundConstraint.set(int index,
Constraint constraint)
void |
Not.setConstraint(Constraint constraint)
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.testResultOf(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.value(String propertyName,
Constraint valueConstraint)
Constructors in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Constraint | |
And(Constraint[] constraints)
"Ands" the specified constraints. |
And(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
"Ands" two constraints. |
ClosureResultConstraint(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
Creates a ClosureResultConstraint that tests the result returned from evaulating the specified unary closure. |
CompoundConstraint(Constraint[] constraints)
Creates a CompoundUnaryPredicate composed of the specified constraints. |
CompoundConstraint(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
Creates a CompoundUnaryPredicate composed of two constraints. |
IfTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
IfTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
IfTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue,
String type)
IfTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
String type)
Not(Constraint constraint)
Creates a UnaryNot |
Or(Constraint[] constraints)
"Ors" the specified constraints. |
Or(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
"Ors" two constraints. |
XOr(Constraint[] constraints)
"Ors" the specified constraints. |
XOr(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
"Ors" two constraints. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property |
Subinterfaces of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property | |
interface |
A predicate that constrains a bean property in some way. |
Classes in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property that implement Constraint | |
class |
Convenience superclass for bean property expressions. |
class |
Abstract base class for unary predicates which compose other predicates. |
class |
Provides a way to trigger rules for propertyB when propertyA satisfies a certain condition: |
class |
class |
A constraint that returns the result of a boolean
expression that tests a variable bean property value against a constant
parameter value. |
class |
A constraint that returns the result of a boolean
expression that tests two variable bean property values. |
class |
Property constraint which works like InGroup constraint but allows
using a dynamic value list to determine if a property value is in a group of
values. |
class |
Predicate that tests if the specified bean property is "present" - that is, passes the "Required" test. |
class |
A constraint that returns the result of a boolean
expression that tests a variable bean property value against a predicate
(constraint). |
class |
class |
Validates a property value as 'required' if some other condition is true. |
class |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property that return Constraint | |
Constraint |
Constraint |
Constraint |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property with parameters of type Constraint | |
protected void |
RequiredIfTrue.setConstraint(Constraint predicate)
Constructors in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property with parameters of type Constraint | |
ParameterizedPropertyConstraint(String propertyName,
Constraint parameterizedExpression)
PropertyValueConstraint(String propertyName,
Constraint valueConstraint)
Creates a BeanPropertyValueConstraint. |
RequiredIfTrue(String propertyName,
Constraint predicate)
Tests that the property is present if the provided predicate is satisified. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.factory |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory that return Constraint | |
Constraint |
Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
boolean parameter)
Bind the specified boolean parameter to the second
argument of the BinaryConstraint . |
Constraint |
Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
double parameter)
Bind the specified double parameter to the second argument
of the BinaryConstraint . |
Constraint |
Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
float parameter)
Bind the specified float parameter to the second argument
of the BinaryConstraint . |
Constraint |
Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
int parameter)
Bind the specified int parameter to the second argument of
the BinaryConstraint . |
Constraint |
Constraints.bind(BinaryConstraint constraint,
Object parameter)
Bind the specified parameter to the second argument of the BinaryConstraint . |
Constraint |
Constraints.eq(int value)
Constraint |
Constraints.eq(Object value)
Constraint |
Constraints.eq(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
Constraints.gt(Comparable value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gt(double value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gt(float value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gt(int value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gt(long value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gt(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
Constraints.gte(Comparable value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gte(double value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gte(float value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gte(int value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gte(long value)
Constraint |
Constraints.gte(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue,
String type)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
String type)
Constraint |
Constraints.inGroup(int[] group)
Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.inGroup(Object[] group)
Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.inGroup(Set group)
Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.like(String encodedLikeString)
Returns a 'like' constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.lt(Comparable value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lt(Comparable value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
Constraints.lt(double value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lt(float value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lt(int value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lt(long value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lte(Comparable value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lte(double value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lte(float value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lte(int value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lte(long value)
Constraint |
Constraints.lte(Object value,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
Constraints.maxLength(int maxLength)
Returns a maxlength constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.method(Object target,
String methodName,
String constraintType)
Returns a constraint whose test is determined by a boolean method on a target object. |
Constraint |
Constraints.minLength(int minLength)
Returns a minlength constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.not(Constraint constraint)
Negate the specified constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraint |
Constraints.range(Comparable min,
Comparable max)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(Comparable min,
Comparable max,
boolean inclusive)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(double min,
double max)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(float min,
float max)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(int min,
int max)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(long min,
long max)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(Object min,
Object max,
Comparator comparator)
Constraint |
Constraints.range(Object min,
Object max,
Comparator comparator,
boolean inclusive)
Constraint |
Constraints.regexp(String regexp)
Creates a constraint backed by a regular expression. |
Constraint |
Constraints.regexp(String regexp,
String type)
Creates a constraint backed by a regular expression, with a type for reporting. |
Constraint |
Returns a required constraint. |
Constraint |
Constraints.testResultOf(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
Attaches a constraint that tests the result returned by evaluating the specified closure. |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory with parameters of type Constraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.all(Constraint[] valueConstraints)
And |
Constraints.all(Constraint[] constraints)
Return the conjunction (all constraint) for all constraints. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.all(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
Apply an "all" value constraint to the provided bean property. |
And |
Constraints.and(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
AND two constraints. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.any(Constraint[] valueConstraints)
Or |
Constraints.any(Constraint[] constraints)
Return the disjunction (any constraint) for all constraints. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.any(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
Apply an "any" value constraint to the provided bean property. |
Closure |
Closures.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Closure closure)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
Constraint elseMustAlsoBeTrue,
String type)
Constraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Constraint mustAlsoBeTrue,
String type)
Constraint |
Constraints.not(Constraint constraint)
Negate the specified constraint. |
Or |
Constraints.or(Constraint constraint1,
Constraint constraint2)
OR two constraints. |
Constraint |
Constraints.testResultOf(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
Attaches a constraint that tests the result returned by evaluating the specified closure. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.value(String propertyName,
Constraint valueConstraint)
Attach a value constraint for the provided bean property. |
Uses of Constraint in org.springframework.rules.reporting |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.reporting that return Constraint | |
Constraint |
Constraint |
Constraint |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.reporting with parameters of type Constraint | |
ValidationResults |
ValidationResultsCollector.collect(Object argument,
Constraint constraint)
protected void |
BeanValidationResultsBuilder.constraintViolated(Constraint constraint)
protected abstract void |
ValidationResultsBuilder.constraintViolated(Constraint constraint)
String |
MessageTranslator.getMessage(Constraint constraint)
String |
DefaultMessageTranslator.getMessage(Constraint constraint)
String |
MessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName,
Constraint constraint)
String |
DefaultMessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName,
Constraint constraint)
String |
MessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName,
Object rejectedValue,
Constraint constraint)
String |
DefaultMessageTranslator.getMessage(String objectName,
Object rejectedValue,
Constraint constraint)
void |
ValidationResultsBuilder.push(Constraint constraint)
Constructors in org.springframework.rules.reporting with parameters of type Constraint | |
PropertyResults(String propertyName,
Object rejectedValue,
Constraint violatedConstraint)
SummingVisitor(Constraint constraint)
ValueValidationResults(Object argument,
Constraint violatedConstraint)