Package org.springframework.rules.constraint

Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition.


Class Summary
And A "and" compound constraint (aka conjunction).
ClosureResultConstraint Tests the result returned from evaluating a closure closure.
ComparisonBinaryPredicate Abstract helper superclass for binary predicates involved in comparison operations.
CompoundConstraint Abstract base class for unary constraints which compose other constraints.
ConstraintsAccessor A convenience constraints factory accessor for easy subclassing.
EqualTo Constraint that tests object equality (not identity.)
GreaterThan Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than another.
GreaterThanEqualTo Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than or equal to another.
InGroup A constraint that tests if an argument is one of a group.
LessThan Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than another.
LessThanEqualTo Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than or equal to another.
Like A like constraint, supporting "starts with%", "%ends with", and "%contains%".
LogicalOperator Type-safe enums for various conditional or logical operators.
MethodInvokingConstraint A adapter that can adapt a method on an object that accepts a single argument and returns a boolean result a UnaryPredicate.
Not "Nots" another unary constraint (the inverse) by using composition.
Or A "or" compound constraint (aka disjunction).
ParameterizedBinaryConstraint A unary constraint adapting a binary constraint that uses a parameterized constant value as the second argument when testing.
Range A range whose edges are defined by a minimum Comparable and a maximum Comparable.
RegexpConstraint A constraint based on a regular expression pattern.
RelationalOperator Type-safe enum class for supported binary operators.
Required Validates a required property.
StringLengthConstraint Constraint to validate an object's string length.
TypeResolvableConstraint Convenient abstract super class for predicates whose type's are resolvable, useful for mapping the type to a i18n message in a message source.
WildcardConstraint Always returns true; a wildcard match
XOr A "xor" compound constraint (aka exclusive disjunction).

Package org.springframework.rules.constraint Description

Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition.

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