Class AbstractBinaryConstraint

  extended by
      extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.ConstraintsAccessor
          extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.AbstractBinaryConstraint
All Implemented Interfaces:
Constraint, BinaryConstraint
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractBinaryConstraint
extends ConstraintsAccessor
implements BinaryConstraint

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean test(Object argument1)
          Test the provided argument against this predicate's condition.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.rules.constraint.ConstraintsAccessor
all, all, and, any, any, bind, bind, bind, bind, bind, conjunction, disjunction, eq, eq, eq, eq, eq, eqProperty, eqProperty, getConstraints, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, gte, gte, gte, gte, gte, gte, gte, gteProperty, gteProperty, gtProperty, gtProperty, ifTrue, ifTrueElse, inGroup, inGroup, inGroup, inRange, inRange, inRangeProperties, inRangeProperties, like, like, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, lte, lte, lte, lte, lte, lte, lte, lteProperty, lteProperty, ltProperty, ltProperty, maxLength, method, minLength, not, not, or, present, present, range, range, range, range, range, range, range, regexp, regexp, required, required, testResultOf, unique, value
Methods inherited from class
allTrue, allTrue, anyTrue, anyTrue, findAll, findAll, findFirst, findFirst, forEach, forEach, getAlgorithms
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.rules.closure.BinaryConstraint

Constructor Detail


public AbstractBinaryConstraint()
Method Detail


public boolean test(Object argument1)
Description copied from interface: Constraint
Test the provided argument against this predicate's condition.

Specified by:
test in interface Constraint
argument1 - the argument value
true if the condition was satisfied, false otherwise

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