Class AbstractListBinder

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing.AbstractListBinder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComboBoxBinder, ListBinder

public abstract class AbstractListBinder
extends AbstractBinder

Abstract base class for list bindings.

The property selectableItems is used as a source of list values. the value of selectableItems is converted to ListModel by using the conversion service

The items of selectableItems can be filtered by defining a constraint for filter and sorted by defining comparator. Dynamic filtering and sorting is supported if the values of filter or comparator implements Observable

Every value for selectableItems, filter and comparator can be defined for all created binding instances or by using a context map where the keys SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY, COMPARATOR_KEY and FILTER_KEY can be used for specifying the context dependent values.

If the context values of SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY, COMPARATOR_KEY and FILTER_KEY implement Closure it will be used to create the instance for the value by passing the value of selectableItems, filter or comparator as the argument.
Please take into account that the argument for the closure can be null if the property is not set. This feature is usefull to chain filter constraints.

Subclasses must implement createListBinding(JComponent, FormModel, String) which creates the instance for AbstractListBinding. applyContext(AbstractListBinding, Map) can be overwritten to apply additional context values

Mathias Broekelmann

Field Summary
static String COMPARATOR_KEY
          key for defining a context dependent comparator value that is used to sort the elements of selectableItems.
static String FILTER_KEY
          key for defining a context dependent filter constraint value that is used to filter the elements of selectableItems.
          key for defining a context dependent selectableItems value.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
AbstractListBinder(Class requiredSourceClass)
          Creates a new instance by defining a type for the form fields and using the default context keys SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY, COMPARATOR_KEY and FILTER_KEY
AbstractListBinder(Class requiredSourceClass, String[] supportedContextKeys)
          Creates a new instance by defining a type for the form fields and using the given context keys
Method Summary
protected  void applyContext(AbstractListBinding binding, Map context)
          Applies any context or preset value.
protected abstract  AbstractListBinding createListBinding(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath)
          Called to create the binding instance
protected  Object decorate(Object closure, Object object)
          Decorates an object instance if the closure value is an instance of Closure.
protected  Binding doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Creates the binding and applies any context values
 Comparator getComparator()
          Returns the Comparator which is used for bindings.
 Constraint getFilter()
          Returns the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items.
 Object getSelectableItems()
          Returns the selectable items which where used as a source for the selectable items.
 void setComparator(Comparator comparator)
          Defines the Comparator which is used for bindings.
 void setFilter(Constraint filter)
          Defines the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items.
 void setSelectableItems(Object selectableItems)
          Defines the selectable items which where used as a source for the selectable items.
Methods inherited from class
bind, bind, createControl, getPropertyType, getRequiredSourceClass, validateContextKeys
Methods inherited from class
getActiveWindow, getApplication, getApplicationContext, getApplicationName, getApplicationServices, getCommandConfigurer, getComponentFactory, getConversionService, getIconSource, getImageSource, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessage, getMessages, getMessageSource, getObjectConfigurer, getService
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY
key for defining a context dependent selectableItems value. See class description for details.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COMPARATOR_KEY
key for defining a context dependent comparator value that is used to sort the elements of selectableItems. Values must be instances of Comparator. See class description for more details.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FILTER_KEY
key for defining a context dependent filter constraint value that is used to filter the elements of selectableItems. Values must be instances of Constraint. See class description for more details.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AbstractListBinder(Class requiredSourceClass)
Creates a new instance by defining a type for the form fields and using the default context keys SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY, COMPARATOR_KEY and FILTER_KEY

requiredSourceClass - the type of the form fields to bind, if null form fields can have any type


public AbstractListBinder(Class requiredSourceClass,
                          String[] supportedContextKeys)
Creates a new instance by defining a type for the form fields and using the given context keys

requiredSourceClass - the type of the form fields to bind, if null form fields can have any type
supportedContextKeys - the keys which can be defined as context values
NullPointerException - if supportedContextKeys is null
Method Detail


public Comparator getComparator()
Returns the Comparator which is used for bindings. The value can be overwritten with a context value for COMPARATOR_KEY

the comparator. If null no comparator is defined


public void setComparator(Comparator comparator)
Defines the Comparator which is used for bindings. The value can be overwritten with a context value for COMPARATOR_KEY

comparator - the comparator. If null no comparator will be used


public Constraint getFilter()
Returns the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items. The value can be overwritten with a context value for FILTER_KEY

the filter. If null no filter is defined


public void setFilter(Constraint filter)
Defines the Constraint which is used as a filter for the selectable items. The value can be overwritten with a context value for FILTER_KEY

filter - the filter constraint. If null no filter will be used


public Object getSelectableItems()
Returns the selectable items which where used as a source for the selectable items. The value can be overwritten with a context value for SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY

the selectable items. If null no selectable items will be used


public void setSelectableItems(Object selectableItems)
Defines the selectable items which where used as a source for the selectable items. The value can be overwritten with a context value for SELECTABLE_ITEMS_KEY

selectableItems - the selectable items. If null no selectable items will be used


protected final Binding doBind(JComponent control,
                               FormModel formModel,
                               String formPropertyPath,
                               Map context)
Creates the binding and applies any context values

Specified by:
doBind in class AbstractBinder


protected abstract AbstractListBinding createListBinding(JComponent control,
                                                         FormModel formModel,
                                                         String formPropertyPath)
Called to create the binding instance

control - the control to bind
formModel - the formmodel with the value of the formPropertyPath field
formPropertyPath - the field path to bind
the binding instance. Must not be null


protected void applyContext(AbstractListBinding binding,
                            Map context)
Applies any context or preset value.

binding - the binding to apply the values
context - contains context dependent values


protected Object decorate(Object closure,
                          Object object)
Decorates an object instance if the closure value is an instance of Closure.

closure - the closure which is used to decorate the object.
object - the value to decorate
the decorated instance if closure implements Closure, otherwise the value of object

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