Package org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Interface Summary
DialogPage DialogPages are used to combine several controls in one Dialog which acts as a container.
Messagable An interface to be implemented by objects that are capable of receiving messages to be provided to the user.
MessagePane Interface to be implemented by GUI panes capable of rendering messages to the user.

Class Summary
AbstractDialogPage A convenience implementation of the DialogPage interface.
AlertMessageAreaPane MessagePane implementation used by MessageDialog.
ApplicationDialog Abstract Base Class for a dialog with standard layout, buttons, and behavior.
CloseAction Forces calls to constructor to have greater clarity, by using a type-safe enumeration instead of integers.
CompositeDialogPage An implementation of the DialogPage interface that collects a group of dialog pages together so that they can be used in place of a single DialogPage
ConfirmationDialog Dialog for asking confirmation to the user.
DefaultMessageAreaModel A concrete implementation of the Messagable interface.
FormBackedDialogPage An implementation of DialogPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.
InputApplicationDialog Simple input application dialog consisting of a label and a text field for accepting input.
MessageDialog Dialog for showing an message to the user.
TabbedDialogPage A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a JTabbedPane.
TitledPageApplicationDialog A TitledApplicationDialog that delegates to a single DialogPage for its title, content and messages.
TitlePane A container class that that has a title area for displaying a title and an image as well as a common area for displaying a description, a message, or an error message.
TreeCompositeDialogPage A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a tree on the left, and the pages itself on the right.

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