Interface Constraint

All Known Subinterfaces:
BinaryConstraint, PropertyConstraint
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinaryConstraint, AbstractConstraint, AbstractConstraint, AbstractPropertyConstraint, And, ClosureResultConstraint, ComparisonBinaryPredicate, CompoundConstraint, CompoundPropertyConstraint, ConditionalPropertyConstraint, EqualTo, FileChecks.FileExists, FileChecks.FileIsFile, FileChecks.FileIsReadable, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, IfTrue, InGroup, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo, Like, MethodInvokingConstraint, NegatedPropertyConstraint, Not, Or, ParameterizedBinaryConstraint, ParameterizedPropertyConstraint, PropertiesConstraint, PropertyInGroupConstraint, PropertyPresent, PropertyValueConstraint, Range, RegexpConstraint, Required, RequiredIfOthersPresent, RequiredIfTrue, Rules, StringLengthConstraint, TypeResolvableConstraint, UniquePropertyValueConstraint, WildcardConstraint, XOr

public interface Constraint

A function object that tests one argument and returns a single boolean result.

A constraint tests a single argument against some conditional expression. For example, a "required" constraint will return true if the provided argument is non-null or empty, false otherwise.

Keith Donald

Method Summary
 boolean test(Object argument)
          Test the provided argument against this predicate's condition.

Method Detail


boolean test(Object argument)
Test the provided argument against this predicate's condition.

argument - the argument value
true if the condition was satisfied, false otherwise

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