Class MethodInvokingConstraint

  extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.MethodInvokingConstraint
All Implemented Interfaces:
Constraint, TypeResolvable

public class MethodInvokingConstraint
extends Object
implements Constraint, TypeResolvable

A adapter that can adapt a method on an object that accepts a single argument and returns a boolean result a UnaryPredicate. For example, a DAO might have the method isUnique(String objectName) that tests whether not a name parameter is unique. To adapt that method as a UnaryPredicate, use this class.

Keith Donald

Constructor Summary
MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject, String methodName)
          Creates a MethodInvokingConstraint for the provided target object - the constraint logic is encapsulated within the specified method name.
MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject, String methodName, Class parameterType)
MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject, String methodName, Class parameterType, String constraintType)
MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject, String methodName, String constraintType)
Method Summary
 String getType()
          Returns this object's logical type identifier.
 void setType(String type)
 boolean test(Object argument)
          Test the provided argument against this predicate's condition.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject,
                                String methodName)
Creates a MethodInvokingConstraint for the provided target object - the constraint logic is encapsulated within the specified method name. Note: this constructor will attempt to guess the parameter type for the method as it accept a single unary argument and return a boolean result.

targetObject - The target object
methodName - The method name


public MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject,
                                String methodName,
                                String constraintType)


public MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject,
                                String methodName,
                                Class parameterType)


public MethodInvokingConstraint(Object targetObject,
                                String methodName,
                                Class parameterType,
                                String constraintType)
Method Detail


public String getType()
Description copied from interface: TypeResolvable
Returns this object's logical type identifier.

Specified by:
getType in interface TypeResolvable
The type identifier


public void setType(String type)


public boolean test(Object argument)
Description copied from interface: Constraint
Test the provided argument against this predicate's condition.

Specified by:
test in interface Constraint
argument - the argument value
true if the condition was satisfied, false otherwise

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