
Closure and constraint function object core support implementations.


Class Summary
AbstractClosure Convenience implementation for the closure interface.
AbstractConstraint Convenient class that uses the Algorithms on its own instance.
AbstractElementGenerator Base superclass for process templates.
AbstractElementGeneratorWorkflow Convenient class to implement workflow.
Algorithms Convenience utility class which provides a number of algorithms involving function objects such as closures and constraints.
AlgorithmsAccessor Algorithms accessor support class, for convenient extending by subclasses.
Block Convenient super class for closures that encapsulate a block of executable code.
ClosureChain A chain of closures that evaluate their results in a ordered sequence.
IfBlock Only execute the specified closure if a provided constraint is also true.
IteratorTemplate Simple process template that iterates over elements.
NoArgBlock Simple implementation of AbstractClosure: makes it easy to just execute a block of code without any additional parameters.
ProcessStatus Enumeration of possible process statuses.

Package Description

Closure and constraint function object core support implementations.

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