Package org.springframework.richclient.list

Interface Summary
TableListModel Model for TableListCellRenderer which is used to render a table for JComboBox

Class Summary
AbstractListSelectionGuard This class applies a guard to a Guarded object that enables the guarded object bsaed on the contents of the selection model value.
BeanPropertyValueListRenderer Renders objects in a list, using a propertyName for rendering.
BeanTableListModel TableListModel implemetation for pojo based lists
ComboBoxAutoCompletion Provides AutoCompletion to a combobox.
ComboBoxListModelAdapter Simple adapter to create a ComboBoxModel from an existing ListModel
DefaultTableListModel Default implementation for TableListModel
DynamicComboBoxListModel A combobox whose contents are dynamically refreshable.
DynamicListModel A list whose contents are dynamically refreshable.
EditableComboBoxAutoCompletion Provides auto-completion for an editable combobox.
FilteredListModel Decorates an existing ListModel by applying a constraint.
LabeledEnumComboBoxEditor ComboBoxEditor that wraps another editor, but performs conversion between CodedEnum s and Strings.
LabeledEnumListRenderer Renders a enumeration in a list.
ListMultipleSelectionGuard This class applies a guard to a Guarded object that only enables the guarded object if the provided list selection model value holder has one or more item selected.
ListSelectionValueModelAdapter Class to adapt the selection model of a list into a value model.
ListSingleSelectionGuard This class applies a guard to a Guarded object that only enables the guarded object if the provided list selection model value holder has exactly one item selected.
TableListCellRenderer ListCellRenderer which renders table cells in a list cell.
TextValueListRenderer Abstract base class for ListCellRenderer that convert the cell value into a String.

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