Class XOr

  extended by
      extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.ConstraintsAccessor
          extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.AbstractConstraint
              extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.CompoundConstraint
                  extended by org.springframework.rules.constraint.XOr
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Constraint

public class XOr
extends CompoundConstraint

A "xor" compound constraint (aka exclusive disjunction).

Mathias Broekelmann
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Creates a empty UnaryOr disjunction.
XOr(Constraint[] constraints)
          "Ors" the specified constraints.
XOr(Constraint constraint1, Constraint constraint2)
          "Ors" two constraints.
Method Summary
 boolean test(Object value)
          Tests if any of the constraints aggregated by this compound constraint test true.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.rules.constraint.CompoundConstraint
add, addAll, copyInto, get, indexOf, iterator, remove, set, size, toString, validateTypeSafety
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.rules.constraint.AbstractConstraint
allTrue, allTrue, anyTrue, anyTrue, findAll, findAll, findFirst, findFirst
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.rules.constraint.ConstraintsAccessor
all, all, and, any, any, bind, bind, bind, bind, bind, conjunction, disjunction, eq, eq, eq, eq, eq, eqProperty, eqProperty, getConstraints, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, gt, gte, gte, gte, gte, gte, gte, gte, gteProperty, gteProperty, gtProperty, gtProperty, ifTrue, ifTrueElse, inGroup, inGroup, inGroup, inRange, inRange, inRangeProperties, inRangeProperties, like, like, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, lt, lte, lte, lte, lte, lte, lte, lte, lteProperty, lteProperty, ltProperty, ltProperty, maxLength, method, minLength, not, not, or, present, present, range, range, range, range, range, range, range, regexp, regexp, required, required, testResultOf, unique, value
Methods inherited from class
allTrue, allTrue, anyTrue, anyTrue, findAll, findAll, findFirst, findFirst, forEach, forEach, getAlgorithms
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XOr()
Creates a empty UnaryOr disjunction.


public XOr(Constraint constraint1,
           Constraint constraint2)
"Ors" two constraints.

constraint1 - The first constraint.
constraint2 - The second constraint.


public XOr(Constraint[] constraints)
"Ors" the specified constraints.

constraints - The constraints
Method Detail


public boolean test(Object value)
Tests if any of the constraints aggregated by this compound constraint test true.

Specified by:
test in interface Constraint
Specified by:
test in class CompoundConstraint
value - the argument value
true if the condition was satisfied, false otherwise
See Also:

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