Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding |
Methods in org.springframework.binding that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
Get the ValueModel used to access the domainObject. |
ValueModel |
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy.getPropertyValueModel(String propertyPath)
Get the ValueModel to access the given property. |
Methods in org.springframework.binding with parameters of type ValueModel | |
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy |
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy.newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Return a new MutablePropertyAccessStrategy for the given
valueModel. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.form |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.form that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.add(String propertyName)
Add a valueModel for the given property. |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.add(String propertyName,
ValueModel valueModel)
Add the given valueModel as wrapper for the given property. |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.add(String propertyName,
ValueModel valueModel,
FieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
Add the given valueModel as wrapper for the given property. |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.addMethod(String propertyMethodName,
String derivedFromProperty)
Add a valueModel that holds a derived value computed by invoking the given method with the given property as argument on the formModel. |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.addMethod(String propertyMethodName,
String[] derivedFromProperties)
Add a valueModel that holds a derived value computed by invoking the given method with a number of other properties as arguments on the formModel. |
ValueModel |
Returns the value model which holds the object currently backing this form. |
ValueModel |
FormModel.getValueModel(String formProperty)
Returns a value model that holds the value of the specified form property. |
ValueModel |
FormModel.getValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass)
Returns a type converting value model for the given form property. |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.form with parameters of type ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.add(String propertyName,
ValueModel valueModel)
Add the given valueModel as wrapper for the given property. |
ValueModel |
ConfigurableFormModel.add(String propertyName,
ValueModel valueModel,
FieldMetadata fieldMetadata)
Add the given valueModel as wrapper for the given property. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.form.support |
Classes in org.springframework.binding.form.support that implement ValueModel | |
protected class |
class |
A value model wrapper that mediates between the (wrapped) data value model and the derived view value model. |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.form.support that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.add(String propertyName)
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.add(String formProperty,
ValueModel valueModel)
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.add(String propertyName,
ValueModel valueModel,
FieldMetadata metadata)
Add the given valueModel as wrapper for the given property. |
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.addMethod(String propertyMethodName,
String derivedFromProperty)
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.addMethod(String propertyMethodName,
String[] derivedFromProperties)
protected ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.createConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass)
protected ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.createValueModel(String formProperty)
Creates a new value mode for the the given property. |
ValueModel |
Returns the value model which holds the object currently backing this form. |
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.getValueModel(String formProperty)
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.getValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass)
protected ValueModel |
DefaultFormModel.preProcessNewConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass,
ValueModel formValueModel)
protected abstract ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.preProcessNewConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass,
ValueModel formValueModel)
Provides a hook for subclasses to optionally decorate a new converting value model added to this form model. |
protected ValueModel |
DefaultFormModel.preProcessNewValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel formValueModel)
protected abstract ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.preProcessNewValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel formValueModel)
Provides a hook for subclasses to optionally decorate a new value model added to this form model. |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.form.support with parameters of type ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.add(String formProperty,
ValueModel valueModel)
ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.add(String propertyName,
ValueModel valueModel,
FieldMetadata metadata)
Add the given valueModel as wrapper for the given property. |
protected void |
DefaultFormModel.postProcessNewConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass,
ValueModel valueModel)
protected abstract void |
AbstractFormModel.postProcessNewConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass,
ValueModel valueModel)
Provides a hook for subclasses to perform some processing after a new converting value model has been added to this form model. |
protected void |
DefaultFormModel.postProcessNewValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel valueModel)
protected abstract void |
AbstractFormModel.postProcessNewValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel valueModel)
Provides a hook for subclasses to perform some processing after a new value model has been added to this form model. |
protected void |
AbstractFormModel.prepareValueModel(ValueModel valueModel)
Prepare the provided value model for use in this form model. |
protected ValueModel |
DefaultFormModel.preProcessNewConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass,
ValueModel formValueModel)
protected abstract ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.preProcessNewConvertingValueModel(String formProperty,
Class targetClass,
ValueModel formValueModel)
Provides a hook for subclasses to optionally decorate a new converting value model added to this form model. |
protected ValueModel |
DefaultFormModel.preProcessNewValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel formValueModel)
protected abstract ValueModel |
AbstractFormModel.preProcessNewValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel formValueModel)
Provides a hook for subclasses to optionally decorate a new value model added to this form model. |
Constructors in org.springframework.binding.form.support with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AbstractFormModel(ValueModel formObjectHolder,
boolean buffered)
DefaultFormModel.ValidatingFormValueModel(String formProperty,
ValueModel model,
boolean validateOnChange)
DefaultFormModel(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
DefaultFormModel(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
boolean buffered)
FormModelMediatingValueModel(ValueModel propertyValueModel)
Constructor which defaults trackDirty=true . |
FormModelMediatingValueModel(ValueModel propertyValueModel,
boolean trackDirty)
Constructor. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.support |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.support that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
ValueModel |
AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy.getPropertyValueModel(String propertyPath)
Methods in org.springframework.binding.support with parameters of type ValueModel | |
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy |
ClassPropertyAccessStrategy.newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy |
ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy.newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
abstract MutablePropertyAccessStrategy |
AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy.newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy |
BeanPropertyAccessStrategy.newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Constructors in org.springframework.binding.support with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Creates a new instance of AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model. |
AnnotationAwareBeanPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
BeanPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Creates a new instance of BeanPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the JavaBean contained by the provided value model. |
ClassPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Creates a new instance of ClassPropertyAccessStrategy. |
ClassPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
boolean fieldAccessEnabled)
Creates a new instance of ClassPropertyAccessStrategy. |
ClassPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
boolean fieldAccessEnabled,
boolean strictNullValueHandling)
Creates a new instance of ClassPropertyAccessStrategy. |
ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model. |
ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
boolean fieldAccessEnabled)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model. |
ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
boolean fieldAccessEnabled,
boolean strictNullValueHandling)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.value |
Subinterfaces of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.value | |
interface |
A value model that derives its value by applying some transformation to one or more source value models. |
interface |
Adds an index aspect to the backing object mostly used by collection type backing objects. |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.value that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel[] |
Returns an array of all values models that are used to derive the value represented by this value model. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.value.support |
Subinterfaces of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.value.support | |
interface |
Adds the dirty aspect to a valueModel, tracking changes when needed. |
Classes in org.springframework.binding.value.support that implement ValueModel | |
class |
Abstract base class for value models that derive their value from one or more "source" value model. |
class |
Base implementation of an IndexAdapter which provides basic index
storing. |
class |
An abstract class that minimizes the effort required to implement the ValueModel interface. |
class |
class |
A BufferedValueModel that uses an ObservableList as a buffer to hold
chandes to a Collection or array . |
class |
A value model that wraps another value model; delaying or buffering changes until a commit is triggered. |
class |
Implementation of a BufferedCollectionValueModel that performs a deep copy on the elements of the collection. |
class |
class |
class |
A value model that takes a set of "argument" ValueModels, formats their values into strings, and then inserts these formatted strings into the provided pattern at the appropriate places. |
class |
A value model that derives it's value from the result of invoking a method. |
class |
ValueModel adding a refreshable aspect. |
class |
A value model wrapper that supports converting the wrapped value to and from another type using the supplied conversion Closures. |
class |
A simple value model that contains a single value. |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.value.support that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
Returns the inner most ValueModel wrapped by this
ValueModelWrapper . |
ValueModel |
ValueModel |
Returns the inner most wrappedModel; i.e. |
ValueModel[] |
ValueModel[] |
protected ValueModel |
ValueModel |
Returns the ValueModel wrapped by this
ValueModelWrapper . |
ValueModel |
ValueModel |
Returns the wrappedModel, i.e. |
Constructors in org.springframework.binding.value.support with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AbstractDerivedValueModel(ValueModel[] sourceValueModels)
Create a derivedValueModel based on the given sourceValueModels. |
AbstractValueModelAdapter(ValueModel valueModel)
AbstractValueModelWrapper(ValueModel valueModel)
BufferedCollectionValueModel(ValueModel wrappedModel,
Class wrappedType)
Constructs a new BufferedCollectionValueModel. |
BufferedValueModel(ValueModel wrappedModel)
Constructs a BufferedValueHolder that wraps the given wrappedModel. |
BufferedValueModel(ValueModel wrappedModel,
CommitTrigger commitTrigger)
Constructs a BufferedValueHolder that wraps the given wrappedModel
and listens to the provided commitTrigger for commit and revert events. |
DeepCopyBufferedCollectionValueModel(ValueModel wrappedModel,
Class wrappedType)
Constructs a new DeepCopyBufferedCollectionValueModel. |
GrowableIndexAdapter(boolean autoGrow,
ValueModel collectionValueModel)
MapKeyAdapter(ValueModel valueModel,
Object key)
MessageFormatValueModel(String pattern,
ValueModel argumentValueModel)
Constructs a new MessageFormatValueModel with a single argument. |
MessageFormatValueModel(String pattern,
ValueModel[] argumentValueModels)
Constructs a new MessageFormatValueModel with a group of arguments. |
MethodInvokingDerivedValueModel(Object target,
String methodName,
ValueModel[] paramSourceValueModels)
PropertyAdapter(ValueModel valueModel,
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy propertyAccessStrategy,
String property)
PropertyAdapter(ValueModel valueModel,
Object bean,
String property)
TypeConverter(ValueModel wrappedModel,
Closure convertTo,
Closure convertFrom)
Constructor which uses Closure blocks to convert between values. |
TypeConverter(ValueModel wrappedModel,
org.springframework.binding.convert.ConversionExecutor convertTo,
org.springframework.binding.convert.ConversionExecutor convertFrom)
Convenience constructor using conversionExecutors. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.binding.value.swing |
Constructors in org.springframework.binding.value.swing with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AsYouTypeTextComponentAdapter(JTextComponent control,
ValueModel valueModel)
FocusLostTextComponentAdapter(JTextComponent component,
ValueModel valueModel)
FormattedTextFieldAdapter(JFormattedTextField component,
ValueModel valueModel,
ValueCommitPolicy commitPolicy)
SelectableButtonModelAdapter(ValueModel valueModel)
SpinnerAdapter(JSpinner spinner,
ValueModel valueModel)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.components |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.components with parameters of type ValueModel | |
static Map |
ShuttleListBinder.createBindingContext(FormModel formModel,
String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Utility method to construct the context map used to configure instances of ShutteListBinding created by this binder. |
void |
ShuttleListBinding.setSelectableItemsHolder(ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
void |
ShuttleListBinding.setSelectedItemsHolder(ValueModel selectedItemsHolder)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.core |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.core with parameters of type ValueModel | |
void |
GuardedGroup.addGuardedHolder(ValueModel guardedHolder)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.factory |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.factory with parameters of type ValueModel | |
JLabel |
ComponentFactory.createLabel(String labelKey,
ValueModel[] argumentValueHolders)
Creates and configure a label with the specified label key and parameterized arguments. |
JLabel |
DefaultComponentFactory.createLabel(String labelKey,
ValueModel[] argumentValueHolders)
Creates and configure a label with the specified label key and parameterized arguments. |
JComboBox |
ComponentFactory.createListValueModelComboBox(ValueModel selectedItemValueModel,
ValueModel selectableItemsListHolder,
String renderedPropertyPath)
Create a combo box using this component factory. |
JComboBox |
DefaultComponentFactory.createListValueModelComboBox(ValueModel selectedItemValueModel,
ValueModel selectableItemsListHolder,
String renderedPropertyPath)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.form |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
Get the value model representing the collection we are managing. |
ValueModel |
AbstractForm.getValueModel(String formProperty)
ValueModel |
Form.getValueModel(String formProperty)
Convenience method to get the valueModel of a specific property from the inner formModel. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type ValueModel | |
static ValidatingFormModel |
FormModelHelper.createChildPageFormModel(HierarchicalFormModel parentModel,
String childPageName,
ValueModel childFormObjectHolder)
static ValidatingFormModel |
FormModelHelper.createCompoundFormModel(ValueModel formObjectHolder,
String formId)
protected abstract AbstractDetailForm |
AbstractMasterForm.createDetailForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel,
ValueModel valueHolder,
ObservableList masterList)
Construct the detail half of this master/detail pair. |
static ValidatingFormModel |
FormModelHelper.createFormModel(ValueModel formObjectHolder)
static ValidatingFormModel |
FormModelHelper.createFormModel(ValueModel formObjectHolder,
boolean bufferChanges,
String formId)
static ValidatingFormModel |
FormModelHelper.createFormModel(ValueModel formObjectHolder,
String formId)
static ValidatingFormModel |
FormModelHelper.createUnbufferedFormModel(ValueModel formObjectHolder,
String formId)
protected Class |
AbstractMasterForm.getMasterCollectionType(ValueModel collectionPropertyVM)
Determine the type of the collection holding the detail items. |
protected void |
AbstractForm.setEditingFormObjectIndexHolder(ValueModel valueModel)
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AbstractDetailForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel,
String formId,
ValueModel childFormObjectHolder,
ObservableList masterList)
Construct a detail form using the provided parent form model (we will construct our own form model as a child of the parent model). |
AbstractForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel,
String formId,
ValueModel childFormObjectHolder)
Create a Form with a FormModel that has a child-parent relation with the provided parentFormModel. |
GeneratedForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel,
String formId,
ValueModel childFormObjectHolder)
GeneratedForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel,
String formId,
ValueModel childFormObjectHolder,
FormUIProvider formUIProvider)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support that return ValueModel | |
protected ValueModel |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type ValueModel | |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a JList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a JList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a ShuttleList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.list |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.list that implement ValueModel | |
class |
Class to adapt the selection model of a list into a value model. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.list that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
Get the selection value holder. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.list with parameters of type ValueModel | |
static ActionCommand |
ListUtils.createRemoveRowCommand(List list,
ValueModel selectionIndexHolder)
void |
DynamicListModel.setListItemsValueModel(ValueModel valueModel)
void |
DynamicComboBoxListModel.setSelectableItemsHolder(ValueModel holder)
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.list with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AbstractListSelectionGuard(ValueModel selectionHolder,
Guarded guarded)
Constructor. |
DynamicComboBoxListModel(ValueModel selectedItemHolder)
DynamicComboBoxListModel(ValueModel selectedItemHolder,
List items)
DynamicComboBoxListModel(ValueModel selectedItemHolder,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
DynamicListModel(ValueModel listItemsValueModel)
ListMultipleSelectionGuard(ValueModel selectionHolder,
Guarded guarded)
Constructor. |
ListMultipleSelectionGuard(ValueModel selectionHolder,
Guarded guarded,
int requiredCount)
Constructor. |
ListSingleSelectionGuard(ValueModel selectionHolder,
Guarded guarded)
Constructor. |
SingleListSelectionGuard(ValueModel selectionIndexHolder,
Guarded guarded)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding with parameters of type ValueModel | |
void |
ListSelectionDialogBinding.setSelectableItemsHolder(ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
void |
ListSelectionDialogBinder.setSelectableItemsHolder(ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding.support |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding.support that return ValueModel | |
ValueModel |
Returns the ValueModel. |
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding.support with parameters of type ValueModel | |
ValueModel2EventListBridge(ValueModel valueModel,
ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList eventList)
Same as calling ValueModel2EventListBridge.ValueModel2EventListBridge(ValueModel, EventList, boolean) with
manualSynchronize = false . |
ValueModel2EventListBridge(ValueModel valueModel,
ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList eventList,
boolean manualSynchronize)
Creates a ValueModel2EventListBridge for the given ValueModel and EventList. |
Uses of ValueModel in org.springframework.richclient.tree |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.tree that return ValueModel | |
protected ValueModel |
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.tree with parameters of type ValueModel | |
AbstractTreeModel(ValueModel rootHolder)