Package org.springframework.richclient.core

Basic interfaces/classes used throughout the richclient.


Interface Summary
Authorizable Interface to be implemented by objects whose operations can be authorized or not.
DescribedElement An application component, usually a visible GUI component, that can provide information describing itself.
DescriptionConfigurable Implemented by object that can be described for display in a GUI.
Guarded Interface to be implemented by objects that can be enabled or disabled.
LabelConfigurable An object that can be labeled; where a label consists of text and mnemonic.
Message An interface to be implemented by classes that represent a user-oriented message and are capable of rendering themselves on GUI components.
SecurityControllable Interface implemented by objects whose authorized state can be controlled by a SecurityController.
TitleConfigurable Implementing by application objects whose titles are configurable; for example, dialogs or wizard pages.
VisualizedElement An application component that has a graphical visual representation that is either an image or an icon.

Class Summary
DefaultMessage The default implementation of the Message interface.
GenericCollectionTypeResolver Helper class for determining element types of collections and maps.
LabeledObjectSupport A convenient super class for objects that can be labeled for display in a GUI.
LabelInfo An immutable parameter object consisting of the text, mnemonic character and mnemonic character index that may be associated with a labeled component.
Severity A typesafe enum representing different levels of severity.
UIConstants Constants for swing user interface classes.

Package org.springframework.richclient.core Description

Basic interfaces/classes used throughout the richclient.

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