
Implementations of the property access interfaces providing basic bean/class access.


Interface Summary
AnnotationTranslator Provides a strategy for converting JDK 1.5 Annotations on JavaBean properties into 1.4 compatible property level user metadata.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy An abstract implementation of MutablePropertyAccessStrategy that provides support for concrete implementations.
AnnotationAwareBeanPropertyAccessStrategy A JavaBean PropertyAccessStrategy that exposes JDK 1.5 Annotations for each property in the form of property level user metadata.
BeanPropertyAccessStrategy An implementation of MutablePropertyAccessStrategy that provides access to the properties of a JavaBean.
ClassPropertyAccessStrategy An implementation of MutablePropertyAccessStrategy that provides type-save access to data specified by a class.
ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy An implementation of MutablePropertyAccessStrategy that provides access to the properties of any object.
PropertyChangeSupportUtils Consists exclusively of static convenience methods for adding and removing PropertyChangeListeners for bound JavaBean properties.
ReflectionAnnotationTranslator Uses reflection to translate annotations into property level user metadata.

Annotation Types Summary
ProtectedField marks a field as protected - usefull for password fields

Package Description

Implementations of the property access interfaces providing basic bean/class access.

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