Class ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy, PropertyAccessStrategy

public class ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy
extends AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy

An implementation of MutablePropertyAccessStrategy that provides access to the properties of any object.

As this class delegates to a DefaultMemberPropertyAccessor for property access, there is full support for nested properties and collection types.

Arne Limburg
See Also:

Constructor Summary
  ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(Object target)
          Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the properties of the provided object.
protected ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy parent, String basePropertyPath)
          Creates a child instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will delegate to its parent for property access.
  ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
          Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model.
  ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder, boolean fieldAccessEnabled)
          Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model.
  ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder, boolean fieldAccessEnabled, boolean strictNullValueHandling)
          Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model.
Method Summary
protected  void domainObjectChanged()
          Called when the domain object is changed.
protected  PropertyAccessor getPropertyAccessor()
          Provides DefaultMemberPropertyAccessor access to subclasses.
 MutablePropertyAccessStrategy getPropertyAccessStrategyForPath(String propertyPath)
          Get a MutablePropertyAccessStrategy for the given property.
 MutablePropertyAccessStrategy newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
          Return a new MutablePropertyAccessStrategy for the given valueModel.
Methods inherited from class
getAllUserMetadataFor, getDomainObject, getDomainObjectHolder, getFullPropertyPath, getLastPropertySeparatorIndex, getMetadataAccessStrategy, getParentPropertyPath, getPropertyName, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueModel, getUserMetadataFor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(Object target)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the properties of the provided object.

target - object to be accessed through this class.


public ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model.

domainObjectHolder - value model that holds the object to be accessed through this class


public ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
                                    boolean fieldAccessEnabled)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model.

domainObjectHolder - value model that holds the object to be accessed through this class
fieldAccessEnabled - whether the fields of the objects should be accessed directly where possible instead of using methods


public ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder,
                                    boolean fieldAccessEnabled,
                                    boolean strictNullValueHandling)
Creates a new instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will provide access to the object contained by the provided value model.

domainObjectHolder - value model that holds the object to be accessed through this class
fieldAccessEnabled - whether the fields of the objects should be accessed directly where possible instead of using methods
strictNullValueHandling - whether a NullValueInNestedPathException should be thrown on nested null-values or null should be returned


protected ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy(ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy parent,
                                       String basePropertyPath)
Creates a child instance of ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy that will delegate to its parent for property access.

parent - ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy which will be used to provide property access
basePropertyPath - property path that will as a base when accessing the parent ObjectPropertyAccessStrategy
Method Detail


protected PropertyAccessor getPropertyAccessor()
Provides DefaultMemberPropertyAccessor access to subclasses.

Specified by:
getPropertyAccessor in class AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy


public MutablePropertyAccessStrategy getPropertyAccessStrategyForPath(String propertyPath)
                                                               throws BeansException
Description copied from interface: MutablePropertyAccessStrategy
Get a MutablePropertyAccessStrategy for the given property. TODO check why this exists and where this is used.

Specified by:
getPropertyAccessStrategyForPath in interface MutablePropertyAccessStrategy
Specified by:
getPropertyAccessStrategyForPath in class AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy
propertyPath - property.
MutablePropertyAccessStrategy for the given property.


public MutablePropertyAccessStrategy newPropertyAccessStrategy(ValueModel domainObjectHolder)
Description copied from interface: MutablePropertyAccessStrategy
Return a new MutablePropertyAccessStrategy for the given valueModel. TODO check why this exists and where this is used.

Specified by:
newPropertyAccessStrategy in interface MutablePropertyAccessStrategy
Specified by:
newPropertyAccessStrategy in class AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy
domainObjectHolder - a ValueModel containing the domainObject.
a newly created MutablePropertyAccessStrategy.


protected void domainObjectChanged()
Description copied from class: AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy
Called when the domain object is changed.

Specified by:
domainObjectChanged in class AbstractPropertyAccessStrategy

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