Interface FormModel

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ConfigurableFormModel, HierarchicalFormModel, ValidatingFormModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormModel, DefaultFormModel

public interface FormModel
extends PropertyChangePublisher

A formModel groups valueModels and actions that are related to the same backing object. It will manage the creation/handling of the valueModels, their associated metadata and an overal state.

The formModel can be in one of three 'user' states:

These states are counterparts of the enabled/editable state of a component/textcomponent.

The formModel also tracks its inner states:

Keith Donald, Oliver Hutchison
See Also:

Field Summary
          The name of the bound property committable.
static String DIRTY_PROPERTY
          The name of the bound property dirty.
          The name of the bound property enabled.
          The name of the bound property readonly.
Method Summary
 void addCommitListener(CommitListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the list if listeners notified when a commit happens.
 void commit()
          Commits any changes buffered by the form property value models into the current form backing object.
 FieldFace getFieldFace(String field)
          FIXME: this should be on the FieldMetadata class
 FieldMetadata getFieldMetadata(String field)
          Returns the metadata for the given form field.
 Set getFieldNames()
          Returns the fields that are used by this formModel.
 Object getFormObject()
          Returns the object currently backing this form.
 ValueModel getFormObjectHolder()
          Returns the value model which holds the object currently backing this form.
 String getId()
          Returns the id that is used to identify this form model.
 ValueModel getValueModel(String formProperty)
          Returns a value model that holds the value of the specified form property.
 ValueModel getValueModel(String formProperty, Class targetClass)
          Returns a type converting value model for the given form property.
 boolean hasValueModel(String formProperty)
          Returns true if the form has a value model for the provided property name.
 boolean isBuffered()
          Does this form model buffer changes?
 boolean isCommittable()
          Returns true if the changes held by this form are able to be committed.
 boolean isDirty()
          Returns true if any of the value models holding properties of this form have been modified since the last call to either commit or revert or since the last change of the form backing object.
 boolean isEnabled()
          A form can be enabled/disabled which reflects a global state on the associated valueModels and their metaData.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          A form can be set as readOnly which reflects a global state on the valueModels and their metaData.
 void registerPropertyConverter(String propertyName, org.springframework.binding.convert.Converter toConverter, org.springframework.binding.convert.Converter fromConverter)
          Register converters for a given property name.
 void removeCommitListener(CommitListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener to the list if listeners notified when a commit happens.
 void reset()
          Reset the form by replacing the form object with a newly instantiated object of the type of the current form object.
 void revert()
          Reverts any dirty value models back to the original values that were loaded from the current form backing object since last call to either commit or revert or since the last change of the form backing object.
 void setFormObject(Object formObject)
          Sets the object currently backing this form.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.binding.value.PropertyChangePublisher
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Field Detail


static final String DIRTY_PROPERTY
The name of the bound property dirty.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String ENABLED_PROPERTY
The name of the bound property enabled.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String READONLY_PROPERTY
The name of the bound property readonly.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String COMMITTABLE_PROPERTY
The name of the bound property committable.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String getId()
Returns the id that is used to identify this form model.


Object getFormObject()
Returns the object currently backing this form. This object is held by the FormObjectHolder.


void setFormObject(Object formObject)
Sets the object currently backing this form.


ValueModel getFormObjectHolder()
Returns the value model which holds the object currently backing this form.


ValueModel getValueModel(String formProperty)
Returns a value model that holds the value of the specified form property.

InvalidPropertyException - if the form has no such property


ValueModel getValueModel(String formProperty,
                         Class targetClass)
Returns a type converting value model for the given form property. The type of the value returned from the returned value model is guaranteed to be of class targetClass.

InvalidPropertyException - if the form has no such property
IllegalArgumentException - if no suitable converter from the original property class to the targetClass can be found


FieldMetadata getFieldMetadata(String field)
Returns the metadata for the given form field.


Set getFieldNames()
Returns the fields that are used by this formModel. Each field has an associated ValueModel.


void registerPropertyConverter(String propertyName,
                               org.springframework.binding.convert.Converter toConverter,
                               org.springframework.binding.convert.Converter fromConverter)
Register converters for a given property name.

propertyName - name of property on which to register converters
toConverter - Convert from source to target type
fromConverter - Convert from target to source type


boolean hasValueModel(String formProperty)
Returns true if the form has a value model for the provided property name.


void commit()
Commits any changes buffered by the form property value models into the current form backing object.

IllegalStateException - if the form model is not committable
See Also:


void revert()
Reverts any dirty value models back to the original values that were loaded from the current form backing object since last call to either commit or revert or since the last change of the form backing object.


void reset()
Reset the form by replacing the form object with a newly instantiated object of the type of the current form object. Note that this may lead to NPE's if the newly created object has null sub-objects and this form references any of these objects.


boolean isBuffered()
Does this form model buffer changes?


boolean isDirty()
Returns true if any of the value models holding properties of this form have been modified since the last call to either commit or revert or since the last change of the form backing object.


boolean isEnabled()
A form can be enabled/disabled which reflects a global state on the associated valueModels and their metaData. It may be viewed as enabling the visual representatives of the valuemodels. All user related interaction should be disabled. This is usually viewed as a grey-out of the visual form. Returns true if this form is enabled.


boolean isReadOnly()
A form can be set as readOnly which reflects a global state on the valueModels and their metaData. A form may be enabled and readonly when all values are accessible, but not changeable. A form can be seen as not readOnly if some visual representatives of the valuemodels are set to editable/changeable.

true if this form is readOnly.


boolean isCommittable()
Returns true if the changes held by this form are able to be committed. A form is committable when it and it's child form models have no validation errors.


void addCommitListener(CommitListener listener)
Adds the specified listener to the list if listeners notified when a commit happens.


void removeCommitListener(CommitListener listener)
Removes the specified listener to the list if listeners notified when a commit happens.


FieldFace getFieldFace(String field)
FIXME: this should be on the FieldMetadata class

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