Interface FormUIProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormUIProvider, DefaultFormUIProvider

public interface FormUIProvider
extends ControlFactory

Allows pre-generated form UIs to easily integrate with Spring Rich's form and binding framework. Typically, these pre-generated form UIs are from 3rd party form designers (Matisse, JFormDesigner, etc).

Andy DePue, Peter De Bruycker, Christophe GADAIX

Method Summary
 void bind(BindingFactory factory, Form form)
          Binds the fields and other components in this pre-generated form to a Spring form by using the specified BindingFactory.
 JComponent getComponent(String componentId)
          Provides access to individual components of this pre-generated form.
 JComponent getControl()
          Produces the pre-generated form as a single Swing component.

Method Detail


JComponent getControl()
Produces the pre-generated form as a single Swing component.

Specified by:
getControl in interface ControlFactory
The control, never null.


void bind(BindingFactory factory,
          Form form)
Binds the fields and other components in this pre-generated form to a Spring form by using the specified BindingFactory.

factory - the BindingFactory this form provider should use to bind the provided form.
form - the Form being bound.


JComponent getComponent(String componentId)
Provides access to individual components of this pre-generated form. Components are referenced by id. The "id" of a component can be any arbitrary String agreed upon between the designer and the developer, but typically these IDs will be the same as the property names of the object backing the form.

componentId - component id to lookup
component with the specified id, or null if no component exists in this pre-generated form with the given id.

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