
Interface Summary
MessageCodeStrategy MessageKeyStrategy is used by MessageSourceFieldFaceSource to create the codes for resolving messages.

Class Summary
AbstractFormModel Base implementation of HierarchicalFormModel and ConfigurableFormModel subclasses need only implement the 4 value model interception methods.
AbstractFormModel.ConvertingValueModelKey Class for keys in the convertingValueModels map.
CachingFieldFaceSource A convenience superclass for FieldFaceSource's that require caching to improve the performance of FieldFace lookup.
DefaultBindingErrorMessageProvider Default implementation of BindingErrorMessageProvider.
DefaultFieldFace A default implementation of FieldFace
DefaultFieldMetadata Default implementation of FieldMetadata.
DefaultFormModel Default form model implementation.
DefaultMessageCodeStrategy Default implementation for MessageCodeStrategy.
FormModelMediatingValueModel A value model wrapper that mediates between the (wrapped) data value model and the derived view value model.
FormModelPropertyAccessStrategy Adapts the properties of FormModel so that they are accessible using the PropertyAccessStrategy interface.
MessageSourceFieldFaceSource An implementation of FieldFaceSource that resolves the FieldFace from the MessageSourceAccessor provided to the setMessageSourceAccessor method or from the ApplicationServices singleton if none is provided.
UserMetadata Class which holds keys for user metadata used in spring rich

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