Package org.springframework.richclient.form

Interface Summary
Form The graphical representation of the FormModel by extending ControlFactory and providing FormModel related methods.
FormBuilder Common interface to assist with building forms.
FormUIProvider Allows pre-generated form UIs to easily integrate with Spring Rich's form and binding framework.

Class Summary
AbstractDetailForm This is an abstract base implementation of the detail side of a Master/Detail form pair.
AbstractForm Base implementation of a Form.
AbstractFormUIProvider Abstract FormUIProvider implementation.
AbstractMasterForm Abstract base for the Master form of a Master/Detail pair.
AbstractTableMasterForm This is an abstract implementation of AbstractMasterForm that uses a GlazedTableModel and JTable to represent the master information.
DefaultFormUIProvider Default FormUIProvider implementation.
FormGuard Actually enables/disables registered 'guarded' objects based on the state of a ValidatingFormModel.
FormModelHelper This provides a collection of useful functions for working with FormModels.
GeneratedForm Convenience class for producing a Spring Rich Form based on a pre-generated form UI (typically, a form that has been created in a form designer such as Matisse or JFormDesigner).
SimpleValidationResultsReporter An implementation of ValidationResultsReporter that reports only a single message from the configured validation results model to the associated message receiver.

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