
Supporting value model and value holder implementations.


Interface Summary
DirtyTrackingValueModel Adds the dirty aspect to a valueModel, tracking changes when needed.
ObservableList Simple sub interface that combines List and ListModel.
ValueModelWrapper A value model that wraps another value model, possibly adding additional functionality such as type conversion or buffering.

Class Summary
AbstractDerivedValueModel Abstract base class for value models that derive their value from one or more "source" value model.
AbstractIndexAdapter Base implementation of an IndexAdapter which provides basic index storing.
AbstractPropertyChangePublisher Base implementation of the PropertyChangePublisher interface providing basic listener support.
AbstractValueModel An abstract class that minimizes the effort required to implement the ValueModel interface.
AbstractValueModelAdapter Abstract base class for objects that adapt a value model to some other model.
BufferedCollectionValueModel A BufferedValueModel that uses an ObservableList as a buffer to hold chandes to a Collection or array.
BufferedValueModel A value model that wraps another value model; delaying or buffering changes until a commit is triggered.
DeepCopyBufferedCollectionValueModel Implementation of a BufferedCollectionValueModel that performs a deep copy on the elements of the collection.
DefaultValueChangeDetector Implementation of ValueChangeDetector that maintains a set of classes for which it is "safe" to use equals() for detecting a change in value (those classes that have immutable values).
EqualsValueChangeDetector An implementation of ValueChangeDetector that provides the same semantics as ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
MessageFormatValueModel A value model that takes a set of "argument" ValueModels, formats their values into strings, and then inserts these formatted strings into the provided pattern at the appropriate places.
MethodInvokingDerivedValueModel A value model that derives it's value from the result of invoking a method.
ObservableEventList This class provides an implementation of EventList that also implements the ObservableList interface so that it can be used by an AbstractForm as the list of editable objects.
PropertyAdapter Adapts a value model to JavaBean's property.
PropertyChangeSupport Convenience class that provides propertyChange support.
RefreshableValueHolder ValueModel adding a refreshable aspect.
TypeConverter A value model wrapper that supports converting the wrapped value to and from another type using the supplied conversion Closures.
ValueHolder A simple value model that contains a single value.

Package Description

Supporting value model and value holder implementations.

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