Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractPropertyChangePublisher Supporting value model and value holder implementations. 
org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util Integrates Acegi Security System for Spring into RCP. 
org.springframework.richclient.util Misc common utility classes (mostly static-utility) that aim to reduce repeat coding. 

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in
 class AbstractFormModel
          Base implementation of HierarchicalFormModel and ConfigurableFormModel subclasses need only implement the 4 value model interception methods.
 class DefaultFieldFace
          A default implementation of FieldFace
 class DefaultFieldMetadata
          Default implementation of FieldMetadata.
 class DefaultFormModel
          Default form model implementation.
 class ReadOnlyFieldMetadata

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in
 class AbstractDerivedValueModel
          Abstract base class for value models that derive their value from one or more "source" value model.
 class AbstractIndexAdapter
          Base implementation of an IndexAdapter which provides basic index storing.
 class AbstractValueModel
          An abstract class that minimizes the effort required to implement the ValueModel interface.
 class BufferedCollectionValueModel
          A BufferedValueModel that uses an ObservableList as a buffer to hold chandes to a Collection or array.
 class BufferedValueModel
          A value model that wraps another value model; delaying or buffering changes until a commit is triggered.
 class DeepCopyBufferedCollectionValueModel
          Implementation of a BufferedCollectionValueModel that performs a deep copy on the elements of the collection.
 class GrowableIndexAdapter
 class MapKeyAdapter
 class MessageFormatValueModel
          A value model that takes a set of "argument" ValueModels, formats their values into strings, and then inserts these formatted strings into the provided pattern at the appropriate places.
 class MethodInvokingDerivedValueModel
          A value model that derives it's value from the result of invoking a method.
 class RefreshableValueHolder
          ValueModel adding a refreshable aspect.
 class ValueHolder
          A simple value model that contains a single value.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.application.mdi.contextmenu

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.application.mdi.contextmenu
 class CascadeCommand
          Cascades all JInternalFrames in a given JDesktopPane.
 class MinimizeAllCommand
          Minimizes all JInternalFrames in a given JDesktopPane.
 class ShowFrameCommand
          Command to show a JInternalFrame, i.e.
 class TileCommand
          Tiles all JInternalFrames in a given JDesktopPane.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.command

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.command
 class AbstractCommand
           Base class for commands.
 class ActionCommand
 class CommandGroup
          Implementation of an AbstractCommand that groups a collection of commands.
 class ExclusiveCommandGroup
 class TargetableActionCommand
          An ActionCommand that delegates to an internal ActionCommandExecutor.
 class ToggleCommand

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.command.config

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.command.config
 class CommandFaceDescriptor
          A parameter object that contains the information to describe the visual representation of a command object.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in
 class AboutCommand
 class ApplicationWindowAwareCommand
          A skeleton implementation of an action command that needs to be aware of the ApplicationWindow in which it resides.
 class DialogCommand
          Open a dialog.
 class ExitCommand
          An action command that causes the application to exit.
 class HelpContentsCommand
 class NewWindowCommand
 class ShowPageCommand
          An action command for displaying a Page based on a provided PageDescriptor.
 class ShowPageMenu
          A menu containing a collection of sub-menu items that each display a given page.
 class ShowViewCommand
          An action command for displaying a View based on a provided ViewDescriptor.
 class ShowViewMenu
          A menu containing a collection of sub-menu items that each display a given view.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.list

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.list
 class ListSelectionValueModelAdapter
          Class to adapt the selection model of a list into a value model.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.preference

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.preference
 class PreferenceCommand

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command
 class TitleBarTimeStampCommand
          Simple command testing the ApplicationWindowAwareCommand class.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.exceptionhandling

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.exceptionhandling
 class HibernateExceptionHandlerCommand
          Throws an InvalidStateException with several InvalidValues to show the HibernateValidatorDialogExceptionHandler.
 class JXErrorDialogExceptionHandlerCommand
          Command throwing the specific JXErrorDialogException that should be caught by the JXErrorDialogExceptionHandler.
 class MessagesDialogExceptionHandlerCommand
          Command throwing the specific MessagesDialogException that should be caught by the MessagesDialogExceptionHandler.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util
static class AbstractReporterForm.StateSynchronizingToggleCommand

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in
 class LoginCommand
          Provides a login interface to the user.
 class LogoutCommand
          Provides a command to log the current user out.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.table

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.table
 class SortTableCommand
          Listens to a sort list for changes and when they happen, sorts a sortable table model in a separate worker thread.

Uses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.util

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyChangePublisher in org.springframework.richclient.util
 class AdjustFontSizeCommand

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