Package org.springframework.richclient.util

Misc common utility classes (mostly static-utility) that aim to reduce repeat coding.


Class Summary
AbstractCellRenderer Convenient superclass that encapsulates common rendering code for an object applied to different controls.
AnnotationUtils General utility methods for working with annotations.
Assert A convenience extension to Spring's Assert class.
BrowserLauncher Deprecated. use JDIC ( or the Desktop class in java 1.6 instead
ClassUtils Misc static utility functions for java classes.
CustomizableFocusTraversalPolicy A LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy that allows for individual containers to have a custom focus order.
EventListenerListHelper Helper implementation of an event listener list.
GridBagCellConstraints Utility functions to assist using the horridly complex Grid bag layout.
GridBagLayoutDebugPanel A useful class for debugging layout problems when using GridBagLayout.
GuiStandardUtils Utility functions that help enforce a standard look and feel in accordance with the Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines.
LabelUtils Static utility class for parsing label information from a string.
OverlayHelper A helper class that attaches one component (the overlay) on top of another component.
PopupMenuMouseListener Convenient listener that will show a popup menu when it receives a popup trigger.
ReflectionUtils Utility to make class-members accessible.
RefreshingPopupMenuListener Popup menu listener that refreshes a value holder -- typically a holder holding the list's contents -- when the popup is made visible.
SeparatorUtils Utils class for consolidating separators on toolbars, popupmenus and menus.
SpringLayoutUtils A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
SwingWorker An abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
WindowUtils Utility functions for manipulating the display of windows.

Exception Summary
EventListenerListHelper.EventBroadcastException Indicates that an error has occurred attempting to broadcast an event to listeners.

Package org.springframework.richclient.util Description

Misc common utility classes (mostly static-utility) that aim to reduce repeat coding.

Note: much of the code in this package may be refactored into spring's core at some point.

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