Class Summary |
AbstractCommand |
Base class for commands. |
ActionCommand |
CommandGroup |
Implementation of an AbstractCommand that groups a collection of
commands. |
CommandGroupEvent |
CommandGroupFactoryBean |
A FactoryBean that produces a CommandGroup . |
CommandGroupJComponentBuilder |
CommandGroupComponentBuilder is a s-pecial case of the
CommandGroupModelBuilder that
is specifically designed to build swing GUI components based on the passed in
command-group. |
CommandGroupModelBuilder |
CommandGroupModelBuilder is a helper class that allows to build Object Models
derived from ready command-group structures. |
CommandRegistryEvent |
An event object that originated from a CommandRegistry . |
ComponentGroupMember |
A implementation of the GroupMember interface that can be associated
with instances of Component s. |
ExclusiveCommandGroup |
ExclusiveCommandGroupSelectionController |
ExpansionPointGroupMember |
A collection of GroupMember s that represent a subsection of a CommandGroup . |
GlueGroupMember |
A member of a CommandGroup that represents a 'glue' component between other members
of the group. |
GroupMember |
A member of a CommandGroup . |
GroupMemberList |
LazyGroupMember |
A GroupMember implementation that can be used as a placeholder for lazily initialized
commands. |
SeparatorGroupMember |
A command group member that represents a separator between other members of the group. |
SimpleGroupMember |
A simple implementation of the GroupMember interface that manages normal commands that
can be associated with instances of AbstractButton s. |
SwingActionAdapter |
An adapter between a Spring Rich Client ActionCommand and the Swing
Action interface. |
TargetableActionCommand |
An ActionCommand that delegates to an internal ActionCommandExecutor . |
ToggleCommand |