Package org.springframework.richclient.command

Interface Summary
ActionCommandExecutor This interface is to be implemented by objects that are able to execute an action command.
ActionCommandInterceptor Implementations of this interface can be assigned to an action command to intercept command execution.
CommandRegistry A registry for command objects.
CommandServices This service delivers the necessary factories and configurers to use with commands.
GroupContainerPopulator A strategy interface for adding components to an underlying Container.
GuardedActionCommandExecutor An ActionCommandExecutor that can be enabled or disabled, with optional listeners for these state changes.
ParameterizableActionCommandExecutor Sub-interface of command delegate that allows for parameterization of the command invocation.

Class Summary
AbstractCommand Base class for commands.
CommandGroup Implementation of an AbstractCommand that groups a collection of commands.
CommandGroupFactoryBean A FactoryBean that produces a CommandGroup.
CommandGroupJComponentBuilder CommandGroupComponentBuilder is a s-pecial case of the CommandGroupModelBuilderthat is specifically designed to build swing GUI components based on the passed in command-group.
CommandGroupModelBuilder CommandGroupModelBuilder is a helper class that allows to build Object Models derived from ready command-group structures.
CommandRegistryEvent An event object that originated from a CommandRegistry.
ComponentGroupMember A implementation of the GroupMember interface that can be associated with instances of Components.
ExpansionPointGroupMember A collection of GroupMembers that represent a subsection of a CommandGroup.
GlueGroupMember A member of a CommandGroup that represents a 'glue' component between other members of the group.
GroupMember A member of a CommandGroup.
LazyGroupMember A GroupMember implementation that can be used as a placeholder for lazily initialized commands.
SeparatorGroupMember A command group member that represents a separator between other members of the group.
SimpleGroupMember A simple implementation of the GroupMember interface that manages normal commands that can be associated with instances of AbstractButtons.
SwingActionAdapter An adapter between a Spring Rich Client ActionCommand and the Swing Action interface.
TargetableActionCommand An ActionCommand that delegates to an internal ActionCommandExecutor.

Exception Summary
CommandException Indicates that a runtime or configuration error has occurred within the Command framework.
CommandNotOfRequiredTypeException Indicates that a command object was not of the expected type.
InvalidGroupMemberEncodingException Indicates that an encoded string specifying a command group member type is not valid.
InvalidGroupMemberException Indicates that an object is not a valid member of a CommandGroup.

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