Package org.springframework.richclient.command.config

Interface Summary
CommandButtonConfigurer A configurer for Swing buttons that have an associated command.
CommandConfigurer An interface to be implemented by classes that are responsible for configuring AbstractCommand instances.
CommandLabelConfigurable An object that can be labeled; where a label consists of text, mnemonic, and potentially an accelerator key.

Class Summary
CommandButtonIconInfo A parameter object consisting of the various icons that may be displayed on a single command button depending on its state.
CommandButtonLabelInfo An immutable parameter object consisting of the text, mnemonic character, mnemonic character index and keystroke accelerator that may be associated with a labeled command button.
CommandFaceDescriptor A parameter object that contains the information to describe the visual representation of a command object.
DefaultCommandButtonConfigurer The default implementation of the CommandButtonConfigurer interface.
MenuItemButtonConfigurer CommandButtonConfigurer implementation for menu items.
PullDownMenuButtonConfigurer CommandButtonConfigurer for pulldown menu buttons.
ToolBarCommandButtonConfigurer Custom CommandButtonConfigurer for buttons on the toolbar.

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