Class MessagesDialogExceptionHandler

  extended by org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractRegisterableExceptionHandler
      extended by org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractLoggingExceptionHandler
          extended by org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractDialogExceptionHandler
              extended by org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.MessagesDialogExceptionHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, InitializingBean, RegisterableExceptionHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MessagesDialogExceptionHandler
extends AbstractDialogExceptionHandler

Displays a message to the user which is fetched from the I18N files based on the class and superclasses of the throwable.

For example if an IllegalArgumentException is thrown, it will search for java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.caption and java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.description first, and if it cant find that it will try in order: java.lang.RuntimeException.caption/description, java.lang.Exception.caption/description and java.lang.Throwable.caption/description.

The exception message is passed as a parameter, but is idented and wrapped first. Note for the repacing of {0} to work in a property file double quotes(") need to be escaped (\") and that single quotes (') should be avoided (escaping doesn't seem to work).

Geoffrey De Smet

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractDialogExceptionHandler
messageSourceAccessor, modalDialog, shutdownPolicy
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractLoggingExceptionHandler
exceptionPurger, LOG_MESSAGE, logger, logLevel
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object createExceptionContent(Throwable throwable)
protected  String formatMessage(String message)
 String resolveExceptionCaption(Throwable throwable)
 void setIdentLength(int identLength)
          Sets the identation applied on the exception message passed as a parameter.
 void setMessagesKey(String messagesKey)
          If messagesKey is set, the caption and description shown in the dialog are not based dynamically on the throwable, but instead statically on the keys messageKey.caption and messageKey.description.
 void setWrapLength(int wrapLength)
          Sets the wrap length applied on the exception message passed as a parameter.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractDialogExceptionHandler
afterPropertiesSet, notifyUserAboutException, resolveParentFrame, setMessageSourceAccessor, setModalDialog, setShutdownPolicy
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractLoggingExceptionHandler
logException, setExceptionPurger, setLogLevel, uncaughtException
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.AbstractRegisterableExceptionHandler
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessagesDialogExceptionHandler()
Method Detail


public void setWrapLength(int wrapLength)
Sets the wrap length applied on the exception message passed as a parameter. Defaults to 120.

wrapLength -


public void setIdentLength(int identLength)
Sets the identation applied on the exception message passed as a parameter. Defaults to 2.

identLength -


public void setMessagesKey(String messagesKey)
If messagesKey is set, the caption and description shown in the dialog are not based dynamically on the throwable, but instead statically on the keys messageKey.caption and messageKey.description.

messagesKey - the key used for the caption and title


public String resolveExceptionCaption(Throwable throwable)
Specified by:
resolveExceptionCaption in class AbstractDialogExceptionHandler


public Object createExceptionContent(Throwable throwable)
Specified by:
createExceptionContent in class AbstractDialogExceptionHandler


protected String formatMessage(String message)

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