Packages that use Closure | |
org.springframework.binding.value.support | Supporting value model and value holder implementations. |
org.springframework.core.closure | Closure and constraint function object interfaces. |
org.springframework.core.closure.support | Closure and constraint function object core support implementations. |
org.springframework.richclient.dialog | |
org.springframework.richclient.filechooser | |
org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing | |
org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog | |
org.springframework.rules.closure | Out of the box functions that address common needs. |
org.springframework.rules.constraint | Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition. |
org.springframework.rules.factory | Factories for creating rules. |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.binding.value.support |
Constructors in org.springframework.binding.value.support with parameters of type Closure | |
RefreshableValueHolder(Closure refreshFunction)
Constructor supplying a refresh Closure . |
RefreshableValueHolder(Closure refreshFunction,
boolean alwaysRefresh)
Constructor supplying a refresh Closure that allways has to be triggered
when reading the value. |
RefreshableValueHolder(Closure refreshFunction,
boolean alwaysRefresh,
boolean lazyInit)
Constructor supplying a refresh Closure that allways has to be triggered
when reading the value. |
TypeConverter(ValueModel wrappedModel,
Closure convertTo,
Closure convertFrom)
Constructor which uses Closure blocks to convert between values. |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.core.closure |
Methods in org.springframework.core.closure with parameters of type Closure | |
void |
ClosureTemplate.run(Closure templateCallback)
Execute the template with the specific closure callback for the insertion of custom processing code. |
void |
ElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback,
Constraint constraint)
Execute the template until the specified condition is true |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.core.closure.support |
Classes in org.springframework.core.closure.support that implement Closure | |
class |
Convenience implementation for the closure interface. |
class |
Convenient super class for closures that encapsulate a block of executable code. |
class |
A chain of closures that evaluate their results in a ordered sequence. |
class |
Only execute the specified closure if a provided constraint is also true. |
class |
Simple implementation of AbstractClosure: makes it easy to just execute a block of code without any additional parameters. |
Methods in org.springframework.core.closure.support with parameters of type Closure | |
ClosureChain |
ClosureChain.add(Closure function)
Add the specified function to the set of functions aggregated by this function chain. |
void |
Algorithms.forEach(Collection collection,
Closure closure)
Execute the provided closure for each element in the collection. |
void |
AlgorithmsAccessor.forEach(Collection collection,
Closure closure)
void |
Algorithms.forEach(Iterator it,
Closure closure)
Execute the provided closure for each element in the collection. |
void |
AlgorithmsAccessor.forEach(Iterator it,
Closure closure)
void |
AbstractElementGeneratorWorkflow.run(Closure templateCallback)
Execute the template with the specific closure callback for the insertion of custom processing code. |
abstract void |
AbstractElementGenerator.run(Closure templateCallback)
Execute the template with the specific closure callback for the insertion of custom processing code. |
void |
AbstractElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback,
Constraint constraint)
Run a block of code (Closure) until a specific test (Constraint) is passed. |
Constructors in org.springframework.core.closure.support with parameters of type Closure | |
ClosureChain(Closure[] functions)
Creates a chain composed of the ordered array of functions. |
ClosureChain(Closure function1,
Closure function2)
Creates a chain composed of two functions. |
IfBlock(Constraint constraint,
Closure closure)
Constructor. |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.dialog |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Closure | |
void |
InputApplicationDialog.setFinishAction(Closure procedure)
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser that implement Closure | |
static class |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that implement Closure | |
protected static class |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type Closure | |
void |
ComboBoxBinder.setEditorClosure(Closure editorClosure)
Defines a closure which is called to create the editor. |
void |
ComboBoxBinder.setRendererClosure(Closure rendererClosure)
Defines a closure which is called to create the renderer. |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog with parameters of type Closure | |
void |
AbstractSelectionDialog.setOnAboutToShow(Closure onAboutToShow)
void |
AbstractSelectionDialog.setOnSelectAction(Closure onSelectAction)
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.rules.closure |
Subinterfaces of Closure in org.springframework.rules.closure | |
interface |
A function object that tests two arguments and returns a single boolean result. |
Classes in org.springframework.rules.closure that implement Closure | |
class |
Conveneince support class for binary closures. |
class |
Returns the maximum of two Comparable objects; with nulls regarded a
being less than non null. |
class |
Returns the maximum of two Comparable objects; with nulls regarded a
being less than non null. |
class |
Returns the Integer length of an object's string form, or zero if the object is null. |
class |
Returns a trimmed copy of the string form of an object. |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.closure that return Closure | |
static Closure |
Returns the shared StringTrimmer instance--this is possible as the default instance is immutable and stateless. |
static Closure |
Returns the shared StringLength instance--this is possible as the default instance is immutable and stateless. |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.rules.constraint |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint that return Closure | |
Closure |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Closure | |
Constraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.testResultOf(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
Constructors in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Closure | |
ClosureResultConstraint(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
Creates a ClosureResultConstraint that tests the result returned from evaulating the specified unary closure. |
Uses of Closure in org.springframework.rules.factory |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory that return Closure | |
Closure |
Closures.chain(Closure[] functionsToChain)
Closure |
Closures.chain(Closure firstFunction,
Closure secondFunction)
Closure |
Closures.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Closure closure)
Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory with parameters of type Closure | |
Closure |
Closures.chain(Closure[] functionsToChain)
Closure |
Closures.chain(Closure firstFunction,
Closure secondFunction)
Closure |
Closures.ifTrue(Constraint constraint,
Closure closure)
Constraint |
Constraints.testResultOf(Closure closure,
Constraint constraint)
Attaches a constraint that tests the result returned by evaluating the specified closure. |