Uses of Interface

Packages that use Closure Supporting value model and value holder implementations. 
org.springframework.core.closure Closure and constraint function object interfaces. Closure and constraint function object core support implementations. 
org.springframework.rules.closure Out of the box functions that address common needs. 
org.springframework.rules.constraint Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition. 
org.springframework.rules.factory Factories for creating rules. 

Uses of Closure in

Constructors in with parameters of type Closure
RefreshableValueHolder(Closure refreshFunction)
          Constructor supplying a refresh Closure.
RefreshableValueHolder(Closure refreshFunction, boolean alwaysRefresh)
          Constructor supplying a refresh Closure that allways has to be triggered when reading the value.
RefreshableValueHolder(Closure refreshFunction, boolean alwaysRefresh, boolean lazyInit)
          Constructor supplying a refresh Closure that allways has to be triggered when reading the value.
TypeConverter(ValueModel wrappedModel, Closure convertTo, Closure convertFrom)
          Constructor which uses Closure blocks to convert between values.

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.core.closure

Methods in org.springframework.core.closure with parameters of type Closure
 void templateCallback)
          Execute the template with the specific closure callback for the insertion of custom processing code.
 void ElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback, Constraint constraint)
          Execute the template until the specified condition is true

Uses of Closure in

Classes in that implement Closure
 class AbstractClosure
          Convenience implementation for the closure interface.
 class Block
          Convenient super class for closures that encapsulate a block of executable code.
 class ClosureChain
          A chain of closures that evaluate their results in a ordered sequence.
 class IfBlock
          Only execute the specified closure if a provided constraint is also true.
 class NoArgBlock
          Simple implementation of AbstractClosure: makes it easy to just execute a block of code without any additional parameters.

Methods in with parameters of type Closure
 ClosureChain ClosureChain.add(Closure function)
          Add the specified function to the set of functions aggregated by this function chain.
 void Algorithms.forEach(Collection collection, Closure closure)
          Execute the provided closure for each element in the collection.
 void AlgorithmsAccessor.forEach(Collection collection, Closure closure)
 void Algorithms.forEach(Iterator it, Closure closure)
          Execute the provided closure for each element in the collection.
 void AlgorithmsAccessor.forEach(Iterator it, Closure closure)
 void templateCallback)
          Execute the template with the specific closure callback for the insertion of custom processing code.
abstract  void templateCallback)
          Execute the template with the specific closure callback for the insertion of custom processing code.
 void AbstractElementGenerator.runUntil(Closure templateCallback, Constraint constraint)
          Run a block of code (Closure) until a specific test (Constraint) is passed.

Constructors in with parameters of type Closure
ClosureChain(Closure[] functions)
          Creates a chain composed of the ordered array of functions.
ClosureChain(Closure function1, Closure function2)
          Creates a chain composed of two functions.
IfBlock(Constraint constraint, Closure closure)

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Closure
 void InputApplicationDialog.setFinishAction(Closure procedure)

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser that implement Closure
static class FileChecks.FileConverter

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that implement Closure
protected static class SwingBindingFactory.BeanPropertyEditorClosure

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type Closure
 void ComboBoxBinder.setEditorClosure(Closure editorClosure)
          Defines a closure which is called to create the editor.
 void ComboBoxBinder.setRendererClosure(Closure rendererClosure)
          Defines a closure which is called to create the renderer.

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog with parameters of type Closure
 void AbstractSelectionDialog.setOnAboutToShow(Closure onAboutToShow)
 void AbstractSelectionDialog.setOnSelectAction(Closure onSelectAction)

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.rules.closure

Subinterfaces of Closure in org.springframework.rules.closure
 interface BinaryClosure
          A function object that tests two arguments and returns a single boolean result.

Classes in org.springframework.rules.closure that implement Closure
 class AbstractBinaryClosure
          Conveneince support class for binary closures.
 class Maximum
          Returns the maximum of two Comparable objects; with nulls regarded a being less than non null.
 class Minimum
          Returns the maximum of two Comparable objects; with nulls regarded a being less than non null.
 class StringLength
          Returns the Integer length of an object's string form, or zero if the object is null.
 class StringTrimmer
          Returns a trimmed copy of the string form of an object.

Methods in org.springframework.rules.closure that return Closure
static Closure StringTrimmer.instance()
          Returns the shared StringTrimmer instance--this is possible as the default instance is immutable and stateless.
static Closure StringLength.instance()
          Returns the shared StringLength instance--this is possible as the default instance is immutable and stateless.

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.rules.constraint

Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint that return Closure
 Closure ClosureResultConstraint.getFunction()

Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Closure
 Constraint ConstraintsAccessor.testResultOf(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)

Constructors in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type Closure
ClosureResultConstraint(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
          Creates a ClosureResultConstraint that tests the result returned from evaulating the specified unary closure.

Uses of Closure in org.springframework.rules.factory

Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory that return Closure
 Closure Closures.chain(Closure[] functionsToChain)
 Closure Closures.chain(Closure firstFunction, Closure secondFunction)
 Closure Closures.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Closure closure)

Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory with parameters of type Closure
 Closure Closures.chain(Closure[] functionsToChain)
 Closure Closures.chain(Closure firstFunction, Closure secondFunction)
 Closure Closures.ifTrue(Constraint constraint, Closure closure)
 Constraint Constraints.testResultOf(Closure closure, Constraint constraint)
          Attaches a constraint that tests the result returned by evaluating the specified closure.

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