Uses of Class

Packages that use ApplicationServicesAccessor
org.springframework.richclient.core Basic interfaces/classes used throughout the richclient. 
org.springframework.richclient.script Integrates Acegi Security System for Spring into RCP. 

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.docking.flexdock

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.docking.flexdock
 class FlexDockApplicationPage
          ApplicationPage that uses FlexDock.
 class FlexDockViewDescriptor

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.docking.vldocking

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.docking.vldocking
 class VLDockingApplicationPage
 class VLDockingPageDescriptor
 class VLDockingViewDescriptor

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.mdi

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.mdi
 class DesktopApplicationPage
 class DesktopPageDescriptor
 class DesktopViewDescriptor

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.setup

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.setup
 class SetupIntroWizardPage
 class SetupLicenseWizardPage
          A WizardPage which shows a license text and confirmation radio buttons at the bottom.
 class SetupWizard
 class SetupWizardDialog

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
 class DefaultStatusBar
           A StatusBar control is a component with a horizontal layout which hosts a number of status indication controls.
 class StatusBarProgressMonitor
          ProgressMonitor implementation that handles its own controls: a JProgressBar to show the progress to the user optionally a JButton to allow the user to cancel the current task

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
protected  class AboutBox.AboutDialog
 class AbstractApplicationPage
          Abstract "convenience" implementation of ApplicationPage.
 class AbstractPageDescriptor
          Abstract base class for PageDescriptor implementations.
 class AbstractView
 class DefaultApplicationDescriptor
          Metadata about a application.
 class DefaultApplicationPage
          Provides a standard implementation of ApplicationPage
 class DefaultPageComponentPane
          A DefaultPageComponentPane puts the PageComponent inside a SimpleInternalFrame.
 class DefaultViewDescriptor
          Provides a standard implementation of ViewDescriptor.
 class LookupViewDescriptor
          An implementation of ViewDescriptor that instantiates new Views by looking them up in a Spring BeanFactory.
 class MultiViewPageDescriptor
          Base class for PageDescriptor implementations that support multiple PageComponents
 class SingleViewPageDescriptor

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.tabbed

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.application.tabbed
 class TabbedApplicationPage
          ApplicationPage implementation that puts the PageComponents in a JTabbedPane.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.components

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.components
 class ShuttleListBinder
          Binder for handling ShuttleList component.
 class ShuttleListBinding
          Binding to manage a ShuttleList component.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.control

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.control
 class ExceptionDetailsPane
          A simple pane which can display an exception stack trace.
 class ListItemUpDownButtonPanel

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.core

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.core
 class LabeledObjectSupport
          A convenient super class for objects that can be labeled for display in a GUI.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.dialog
 class AbstractDialogPage
          A convenience implementation of the DialogPage interface.
 class AlertMessageAreaPane
          MessagePane implementation used by MessageDialog.
 class ApplicationDialog
           Abstract Base Class for a dialog with standard layout, buttons, and behavior.
 class CompositeDialogPage
          An implementation of the DialogPage interface that collects a group of dialog pages together so that they can be used in place of a single DialogPage
 class ConfirmationDialog
          Dialog for asking confirmation to the user.
 class DefaultMessageAreaPane
 class FormBackedDialogPage
          An implementation of DialogPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.
 class InputApplicationDialog
          Simple input application dialog consisting of a label and a text field for accepting input.
 class MessageDialog
          Dialog for showing an message to the user.
 class TabbedDialogPage
          A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a JTabbedPane.
 class TitledApplicationDialog
 class TitledPageApplicationDialog
          A TitledApplicationDialog that delegates to a single DialogPage for its title, content and messages.
 class TitlePane
          A container class that that has a title area for displaying a title and an image as well as a common area for displaying a description, a message, or an error message.
 class TreeCompositeDialogPage
          A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a tree on the left, and the pages itself on the right.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.factory

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.factory
 class AbstractControlFactory
          A skeleton implementation of the ControlFactory interface that only creates it's control when requested.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.filechooser
 class FileChooserComboBox
          A combo box that allows you to type and/or select files, as well as click a Browse button to navigate to the file you wish to work with.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.form

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.form
 class AbstractDetailForm
          This is an abstract base implementation of the detail side of a Master/Detail form pair.
 class AbstractForm
          Base implementation of a Form.
 class AbstractFormUIProvider
          Abstract FormUIProvider implementation.
 class AbstractMasterForm
          Abstract base for the Master form of a Master/Detail pair.
 class AbstractTableMasterForm
          This is an abstract implementation of AbstractMasterForm that uses a GlazedTableModel and JTable to represent the master information.
 class DefaultFormUIProvider
          Default FormUIProvider implementation.
 class GeneratedForm
          Convenience class for producing a Spring Rich Form based on a pre-generated form UI (typically, a form that has been created in a form designer such as Matisse or JFormDesigner).

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
 class AbstractBinder
 class AbstractBinding
          Default base implementation of Binding.
 class CustomBinding
          A helper implementation for binding to custom controls.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing
 class AbstractListBinder
          Abstract base class for list bindings.
 class AbstractListBinding
 class CheckBoxBinder
 class ComboBoxBinder
 class ComboBoxBinding
          TODO: support for filters
 class EnumComboBoxBinder
 class EnumComboBoxBinding
 class FormattedTextFieldBinder
 class FormattedTextFieldBinding
          TODO: this is probably very broken.
 class LabelBinder
 class LabelBinding
 class ListBinder
 class ListBinding
 class NumberBinder
          Binder for numeric fields.
 class NumberBinding
          Binding to handle Numbers.
 class ScrollPaneBinder
          A binder that binds a scroll pane and the scroll pane's view.
 class TextAreaBinder
 class TextComponentBinder
 class TextComponentBinding
 class TigerEnumComboBoxBinder
          Binds a Tiger enum in a combobox and supports i18n.
The i18n key of an enum is the full classname + "." + enumfield.
For example:
x.y.Season.WINTER = Winter
 class ToggleButtonBinder
 class ToggleButtonBinding

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
 class AbstractDateFieldBinder
          Abstract base class for java.util.Date binders.
 class AbstractDateFieldBinding
          Abstract base class for java.util.Date bindings
 class JCalendarDateFieldBinder
 class JCalendarDateFieldBinding
          Binds a Date to a JCalendar JDateChooser
 class JXDatePickerDateFieldBinder
 class JXDatePickerDateFieldBinding
          Binds a Date to a JXDatePicker
 class NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder
          Binds a Date to a NachoCalendar DateField
 class NachoCalendarDateFieldBinding
          Binds a Date to a NachoCalendar DateField

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.preference

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.preference
 class FormBackedPreferencePage
 class PreferenceDialog
 class PreferencePage

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.exceptionhandling

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.exceptionhandling
 class ExceptionHandlingView

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui
 class NewOwnerWizard
 class OwnerAddressForm
 class OwnerGeneralForm
 class OwnerManagerView
          Shows the owners and their pets in a tree structure.
 class PetForm
 class VetManagerView

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui.binder

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui.binder
 class CustomDatePickerBinder
 class PetTypeBinder

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.binding

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.binding
 class DerivedValueModelDialog
 class GenericKeyMapBindingDialog
 class ListSelectionBindingDialog
 class ParentChildFormDialog

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command
 class ToolbarSample

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.component

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.component
 class ShuttleSortableTableDialog
          This sample shows a ShuttleSortableTableModel being used.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.conversion

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.conversion
 class NumberConversionDialog

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.dialog

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.dialog
 class BasicApplicationDialog
           Very simple dialog showing only the basics.
 class BasicConfirmationDialog
          Shows the usage of the confirmation dialog.
 class BasicInputApplicationDialog
 class BasicMessageDialog
 class BasicTitledApplicationDialog

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util
 class AbstractReporterForm
          A Form with a JTextArea that can be used to show some useful messages.
 class AbstractReporterTitledApplicationDialog

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation
 class BasicRegExpConstraintDialog
          Show a basic dialog with a regular expression input field and a value input field.
 class StringLenghtConstraintDialog
          Dialog showing a number of fields to manipulate the StringLengthConstraint and see it in action on the value field.
 class StringLenghtConstraintDialog.StringLengthConstraintForm

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.wizard

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.wizard
 class BasicWizardDialog
 class InstallWizard

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui
 class ContactForm
          Form to handle the properties of a Contact object.
 class ContactPropertiesDialog
          This is a dialog for editing the properties of a Contact object.
 class ContactTable
          This class provides a concrete implementation of a table showing Contact objects.
 class ContactView
          This class provides the main view of the contacts.
 class InitialView
          This class defines the initial view to be presented in the sample application.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.script

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.script
 class ScriptedView
          A View implementation that uses ScriptEngine to build its control.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
 class LoginForm
          This class provides a simple form for capturing a username and password from the user.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding
 class ListSelectionDialogBinder
          Binder for SelectField.
 class ListSelectionDialogBinding
          Binding for selection objects in a form.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
 class SelectField
          SelectField base class.
 class SimpleSelectField
          SelectField implementation using a single JTextField.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.selection.dialog
 class AbstractSelectionDialog
          Base class for selection dialogs.
 class FilterListSelectionDialog
          Filtered ListSelectionDialog.
 class ListSelectionDialog
          A ListSelectionDialog can be used to select an item from a list.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in
 class AbstractObjectTable
          This class provides a standard table representation for a set of objects with properties of the objects presented in the columns of the table.

Uses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.wizard

Subclasses of ApplicationServicesAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.wizard
 class AbstractWizard
          A convenience implementation of the Wizard interface.
 class AbstractWizardPage
 class FormBackedWizardPage
          An implementation of WizardPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.
 class WizardDialog
          Dialog for wizards.

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