Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObservableList Supporting value model and value holder implementations. 

Uses of ObservableList in

Classes in that implement ObservableList
 class ListListModel
 class ObservableEventList
          This class provides an implementation of EventList that also implements the ObservableList interface so that it can be used by an AbstractForm as the list of editable objects.

Methods in that return ObservableList
protected  ObservableList BufferedCollectionValueModel.createBufferedListModel()
          Create an empty buffered list model.

Uses of ObservableList in org.springframework.richclient.form

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type ObservableList
protected abstract  AbstractDetailForm AbstractMasterForm.createDetailForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel, ValueModel valueHolder, ObservableList masterList)
          Construct the detail half of this master/detail pair.
protected  void AbstractForm.setEditableFormObjects(ObservableList editableFormObjects)
protected  void AbstractDetailForm.setMasterList(ObservableList masterList)
          Set the master list model.

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type ObservableList
AbstractDetailForm(FormModel formModel, String formId, ObservableList editableItemList)
AbstractDetailForm(HierarchicalFormModel parentFormModel, String formId, ValueModel childFormObjectHolder, ObservableList masterList)
          Construct a detail form using the provided parent form model (we will construct our own form model as a child of the parent model).

Uses of ObservableList in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that return ObservableList
 ObservableList SwingBindingFactory.createBoundListModel(String formProperty)

Uses of ObservableList in org.springframework.richclient.list

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.list that implement ObservableList
 class ComboBoxListModel
 class DynamicComboBoxListModel
          A combobox whose contents are dynamically refreshable.
 class DynamicListModel
          A list whose contents are dynamically refreshable.

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