Uses of Class

Packages that use ConstraintsAccessor
org.springframework.rules Core interfaces for the expression and function object/rules library. 
org.springframework.rules.constraint Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition. Out of the box predicates and constraint building blocks involving bean properties. 

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.domain

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.domain
 class PetClinicValidationRulesSource

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.domain

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.domain
 class SimpleValidationRulesSource
          This class is a source for validation rules associated with the domain objects in this application.

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.rules

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.rules
 class Rules
          A factory for creating rules.

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.rules.constraint

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.rules.constraint
 class AbstractBinaryConstraint
 class AbstractConstraint
 class And
          A "and" compound constraint (aka conjunction).
 class ComparisonBinaryPredicate
          Abstract helper superclass for binary predicates involved in comparison operations.
 class CompoundConstraint
          Abstract base class for unary constraints which compose other constraints.
 class EqualTo
          Constraint that tests object equality (not identity.)
 class GreaterThan
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than another.
 class GreaterThanEqualTo
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is greater than or equal to another.
 class LessThan
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than another.
 class LessThanEqualTo
          Predicate that tests if one comparable object is less than or equal to another.
 class Or
          A "or" compound constraint (aka disjunction).
 class Range
          A range whose edges are defined by a minimum Comparable and a maximum Comparable.
 class StringLengthConstraint
          Constraint to validate an object's string length.
 class WildcardConstraint
          Always returns true; a wildcard match
 class XOr
          A "xor" compound constraint (aka exclusive disjunction).

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in
 class UniquePropertyValueConstraint

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.rules.metadata

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in org.springframework.rules.metadata
 class AttributesRulesSource
          An implementation of RulesSource that loads rules using metadata.

Uses of ConstraintsAccessor in

Subclasses of ConstraintsAccessor in
 class DefaultRulesSource
          A default rules source implementation which is simply a in-memory registry for bean validation rules backed by a map.

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