Uses of Interface

Packages that use Form
org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui Integrates Acegi Security System for Spring into RCP. 

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog that return Form
 Form FormBackedDialogPage.getBackingFormPage()
          Get the Form backing this dialog page.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Form
 DialogPage TreeCompositeDialogPage.addForm(DialogPage parent, Form form)
          Adds a new page to the tree.
 DialogPage CompositeDialogPage.addForm(Form form)
          Adds a new page to the list of pages managed by this CompositeDialogPage.
protected  DialogPage CompositeDialogPage.createDialogPage(Form form)

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Form
FormBackedDialogPage(Form backingFormPage)
          Creates a new FormBackedDialogPage
FormBackedDialogPage(Form backingFormPage, boolean autoConfigure)
FormBackedDialogPage(String parentPageId, Form backingFormPage)
          Creates a new FormPageBackedDialogPage.
TitledPageApplicationDialog(Form form, Window parent)

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.form

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form that implement Form
 class AbstractDetailForm
          This is an abstract base implementation of the detail side of a Master/Detail form pair.
 class AbstractForm
          Base implementation of a Form.
 class AbstractMasterForm
          Abstract base for the Master form of a Master/Detail pair.
 class AbstractTableMasterForm
          This is an abstract implementation of AbstractMasterForm that uses a GlazedTableModel and JTable to represent the master information.
 class GeneratedForm
          Convenience class for producing a Spring Rich Form based on a pre-generated form UI (typically, a form that has been created in a form designer such as Matisse or JFormDesigner).

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form that return Form
protected  Form AbstractForm.getChildForm(String id)
          Return a child form of this form with the given form id.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type Form
 void AbstractForm.addChildForm(Form childForm)
          Add a child (or sub) form to this form.
 void Form.addChildForm(Form form)
          Add the given Form as a child to this Form.
 void FormUIProvider.bind(BindingFactory factory, Form form)
          Binds the fields and other components in this pre-generated form to a Spring form by using the specified BindingFactory.
 void AbstractFormUIProvider.bind(BindingFactory factory, Form form)
 void AbstractForm.removeChildForm(Form childForm)
 void Form.removeChildForm(Form form)
          Remove the given Form as child from this Form.

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.preference

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.preference that return Form
protected abstract  Form FormBackedPreferencePage.createForm()
 Form FormBackedPreferencePage.getForm()

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui that implement Form
 class OwnerAddressForm
 class OwnerGeneralForm
 class PetForm

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util that implement Form
 class AbstractReporterForm
          A Form with a JTextArea that can be used to show some useful messages.

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation that implement Form
 class StringLenghtConstraintDialog.StringLengthConstraintForm

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui that implement Form
 class ContactForm
          Form to handle the properties of a Contact object.

Uses of Form in

Classes in that implement Form
 class LoginForm
          This class provides a simple form for capturing a username and password from the user.

Uses of Form in org.springframework.richclient.wizard

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.wizard that return Form
protected  Form FormBackedWizardPage.getBackingForm()

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.wizard with parameters of type Form
 WizardPage AbstractWizard.addForm(Form formPage)
          Adds a new page to this wizard.

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.wizard with parameters of type Form
FormBackedWizardPage(Form backingForm)
          Createa a new FormBackedWizardPage
FormBackedWizardPage(Form backingForm, boolean autoConfigure)
FormBackedWizardPage(String parentPageId, Form backingForm)
          Creates a new FormBackedWizardPage.

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