Interface Binder

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinder, AbstractDateFieldBinder, AbstractListBinder, CheckBoxBinder, ComboBoxBinder, CustomDatePickerBinder, EnumComboBoxBinder, FormattedTextFieldBinder, JCalendarDateFieldBinder, JXDatePickerDateFieldBinder, LabelBinder, ListBinder, ListSelectionDialogBinder, NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder, NumberBinder, PetTypeBinder, ScrollPaneBinder, ShuttleListBinder, TextAreaBinder, TextComponentBinder, TigerEnumComboBoxBinder, ToggleButtonBinder

public interface Binder

A Binder is responsible for creating a binding between a form model's property and a control that may be used to visualize and/or edit that property.

Oliver Hutchison

Method Summary
 Binding bind(FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding between a form model's property and a control that will be created by this Binder.
 Binding bind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding between a form model's property and the provided control.

Method Detail


Binding bind(FormModel formModel,
             String formPropertyPath,
             Map context)
Returns a binding between a form model's property and a control that will be created by this Binder.

formModel - the form model that this binding is for
formModel - the property that this binding is for
context - additional context that may be used by this binder.
a Binding (never null).
UnsupportedOperationException - if this binder is unable to create its own control


Binding bind(JComponent control,
             FormModel formModel,
             String formPropertyPath,
             Map context)
Returns a binding between a form model's property and the provided control.

control - the visual control that will be bound to the form model's property.
formModel - the form model that this binding is for
formModel - the property that this binding is for
context - additional context that may be used by this binder
a Binding (never null).
UnsupportedOperationException - if this binder is unable to bind the provided control or if this binder is unable to bind a provided control

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