Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.components |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.components that implement Binding | |
class |
Binding to manage a ShuttleList component. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.components that return Binding | |
protected Binding |
ShuttleListBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding that return Binding | |
Binding |
Binder.bind(FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Returns a binding between a form model's property and a control that will be created by this Binder. |
Binding |
Binder.bind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Returns a binding between a form model's property and the provided control. |
Binding |
BindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control,
String formPropertyPath)
Returns a binding between the provided control and the provided formPropertyPath |
Binding |
BindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Returns a binding between the provided control and the provided formPropertyPath |
Binding |
BindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType,
String formPropertyPath)
Returns a binding to a control of type controlType for the provided formPropertyPath |
Binding |
BindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Returns a binding to a control of type controlType for the provided formPropertyPath |
Binding |
BindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath)
Returns a binding for the provided formPropertyPath. |
Binding |
BindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Returns a binding for the provided formPropertyPath. |
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support that implement Binding | |
class |
Default base implementation of Binding . |
class |
A helper implementation for binding to custom controls. |
class |
Wraps a source Binding and returns an alternate control in place
of the source binding's control. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support that return Binding | |
Binding |
AbstractBinder.bind(FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Binding |
AbstractBinder.bind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Binding |
AbstractBindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control,
String formPropertyPath)
Binding |
AbstractBindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Binding |
AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType,
String formPropertyPath)
Binding |
AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Binding |
AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath)
Binding |
AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected abstract Binding |
AbstractBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Binding |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support with parameters of type Binding | |
void |
AbstractBindingFactory.interceptBinding(Binding binding)
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.support with parameters of type Binding | |
DecoratedControlBinding(Binding source,
JComponent decoratingComponent)
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that implement Binding | |
class |
class |
TODO: support for filters |
class |
class |
TODO: this is probably very broken. |
class |
class |
class |
Binding to handle Numbers. |
class |
A convenience class that decorates the component produced from a source Binding with a JScrollPane. |
class |
class |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that return Binding | |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundCheckBox(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
Object selectableItems)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
Object selectableItems,
String renderedProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
String selectableItemsProperty,
String renderedItemProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundFormattedTextField(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundFormattedTextField(String formProperty,
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory formatterFactory)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundLabel(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
Object selectableItems)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItems to a JList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
Object selectableItems,
String renderedProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
Object selectableItems,
String renderedProperty,
Integer forceSelectMode)
Binds the value(s) specified in selectableItems to
a JList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a JList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a JList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty,
Object selectableItems)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItems (which will be wrapped in a
ValueHolder to a ShuttleList , with any user selection
being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty,
Object selectableItems,
String renderedProperty)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItems (which will be wrapped in a
ValueHolder to a ShuttleList , with any user selection
being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty,
ValueModel selectableItemsHolder,
String renderedProperty)
Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a ShuttleList , with any
user selection being placed in the form property referred to by
selectionFormProperty . |
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundSpinner(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundTextArea(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundTextArea(String formProperty,
int rows,
int columns)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundTextField(String formProperty)
Binding |
SwingBindingFactory.createBoundToggleButton(String formProperty)
protected Binding |
NumberBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
FormattedTextFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
LabelBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
ScrollPaneBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
ToggleButtonBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
AbstractListBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Creates the binding and applies any context values |
protected Binding |
TextComponentBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
TextAreaBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
ScrollPaneBinder.getViewBinding(JScrollPane scrollPane,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type Binding | |
ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding(Binding source)
ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding(Binding source,
int vsbPolicy,
int hsbPolicy)
ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding(Binding source,
JComponent scrollPane)
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing.date |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing.date that implement Binding | |
class |
Abstract base class for java.util.Date bindings |
class |
Binds a JDateChooser |
class |
Binds a JXDatePicker |
class |
Binds a DateField |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing.date that return Binding | |
protected Binding |
JXDatePickerDateFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
JCalendarDateFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder that return Binding | |
protected Binding |
AbstractFormBuilder.createBinding(String fieldName,
JComponent component)
Create a binding that uses the given component instead of its default component. |
protected Binding |
AbstractFormBuilder.createBinding(String fieldName,
JComponent component,
Map context)
Create a binding that uses the given component instead of its default component. |
protected Binding |
AbstractFormBuilder.createDefaultBinding(String fieldName)
Create a binding by looking up the appropriate registered binding. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder with parameters of type Binding | |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.add(Binding binding)
Adds the field binding to the form. |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.add(Binding binding,
String attributes)
Adds the field binding to the form. |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addBinding(Binding binding,
JComponent wrappedControl,
String attributes)
adds a field binding to the form |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addBinding(Binding binding,
JComponent wrappedComponent,
String attributes,
String labelAttributes)
adds a field binding to the form |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addBinding(Binding binding,
String attributes,
String labelAttributes)
adds a field binding to the form. |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addInScrollPane(Binding binding)
Adds the field binding to the form. |
JComponent[] |
TableFormBuilder.addInScrollPane(Binding binding,
String attributes)
Adds the field binding to the form. |
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui.binder |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui.binder that return Binding | |
protected Binding |
PetTypeBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
protected Binding |
CustomDatePickerBinder.doBind(JComponent control,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)
Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding |
Classes in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding that implement Binding | |
class |
Binding for selection objects in a form. |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding that return Binding | |
protected Binding |
ListSelectionDialogBinder.doBind(JComponent notUsed,
FormModel formModel,
String formPropertyPath,
Map context)