Uses of Interface

Packages that use Binding

Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.components

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.components that implement Binding
 class ShuttleListBinding
          Binding to manage a ShuttleList component.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.components that return Binding
protected  Binding ShuttleListBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)

Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding that return Binding
 Binding Binder.bind(FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding between a form model's property and a control that will be created by this Binder.
 Binding Binder.bind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding between a form model's property and the provided control.
 Binding BindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control, String formPropertyPath)
          Returns a binding between the provided control and the provided formPropertyPath
 Binding BindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding between the provided control and the provided formPropertyPath
 Binding BindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType, String formPropertyPath)
          Returns a binding to a control of type controlType for the provided formPropertyPath
 Binding BindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding to a control of type controlType for the provided formPropertyPath
 Binding BindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath)
          Returns a binding for the provided formPropertyPath.
 Binding BindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Returns a binding for the provided formPropertyPath.

Uses of Binding in

Classes in that implement Binding
 class AbstractBinding
          Default base implementation of Binding.
 class CustomBinding
          A helper implementation for binding to custom controls.
 class DecoratedControlBinding
          Wraps a source Binding and returns an alternate control in place of the source binding's control.

Methods in that return Binding
 Binding AbstractBinder.bind(FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
 Binding AbstractBinder.bind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
 Binding AbstractBindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control, String formPropertyPath)
 Binding AbstractBindingFactory.bindControl(JComponent control, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
 Binding AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType, String formPropertyPath)
 Binding AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(Class controlType, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
 Binding AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath)
 Binding AbstractBindingFactory.createBinding(String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected abstract  Binding AbstractBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
 Binding DecoratedControlBinding.getSource()

Methods in with parameters of type Binding
 void AbstractBindingFactory.interceptBinding(Binding binding)

Constructors in with parameters of type Binding
DecoratedControlBinding(Binding source, JComponent decoratingComponent)

Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that implement Binding
 class AbstractListBinding
 class ComboBoxBinding
          TODO: support for filters
 class EnumComboBoxBinding
 class FormattedTextFieldBinding
          TODO: this is probably very broken.
 class LabelBinding
 class ListBinding
 class NumberBinding
          Binding to handle Numbers.
 class ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding
          A convenience class that decorates the component produced from a source Binding with a JScrollPane.
 class TextComponentBinding
 class ToggleButtonBinding

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing that return Binding
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundCheckBox(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty, Object selectableItems)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty, Object selectableItems, String renderedProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty, String selectableItemsProperty, String renderedItemProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty, ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundComboBox(String formProperty, ValueModel selectableItemsHolder, String renderedProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundFormattedTextField(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundFormattedTextField(String formProperty, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory formatterFactory)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundLabel(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty, Object selectableItems)
          Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItems to a JList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty, Object selectableItems, String renderedProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty, Object selectableItems, String renderedProperty, Integer forceSelectMode)
          Binds the value(s) specified in selectableItems to a JList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty, ValueModel selectableItemsHolder)
          Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a JList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundList(String selectionFormProperty, ValueModel selectableItemsHolder, String renderedProperty)
          Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a JList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty, Object selectableItems)
          Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItems (which will be wrapped in a ValueHolder to a ShuttleList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty, Object selectableItems, String renderedProperty)
          Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItems (which will be wrapped in a ValueHolder to a ShuttleList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SandboxSwingBindingFactory.createBoundShuttleList(String selectionFormProperty, ValueModel selectableItemsHolder, String renderedProperty)
          Binds the values specified in the collection contained within selectableItemsHolder to a ShuttleList, with any user selection being placed in the form property referred to by selectionFormProperty.
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundSpinner(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundTextArea(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundTextArea(String formProperty, int rows, int columns)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundTextField(String formProperty)
 Binding SwingBindingFactory.createBoundToggleButton(String formProperty)
protected  Binding NumberBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding FormattedTextFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding LabelBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding ScrollPaneBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding ToggleButtonBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding AbstractListBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
          Creates the binding and applies any context values
protected  Binding TextComponentBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding TextAreaBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding ScrollPaneBinder.getViewBinding(JScrollPane scrollPane, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form.binding.swing with parameters of type Binding
ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding(Binding source)
ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding(Binding source, int vsbPolicy, int hsbPolicy)
ScrollPaneDecoratedBinding(Binding source, JComponent scrollPane)

Uses of Binding in

Classes in that implement Binding
 class AbstractDateFieldBinding
          Abstract base class for java.util.Date bindings
 class JCalendarDateFieldBinding
          Binds a Date to a JCalendar JDateChooser
 class JXDatePickerDateFieldBinding
          Binds a Date to a JXDatePicker
 class NachoCalendarDateFieldBinding
          Binds a Date to a NachoCalendar DateField

Methods in that return Binding
protected  Binding JXDatePickerDateFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding JCalendarDateFieldBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)

Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder that return Binding
protected  Binding AbstractFormBuilder.createBinding(String fieldName, JComponent component)
          Create a binding that uses the given component instead of its default component.
protected  Binding AbstractFormBuilder.createBinding(String fieldName, JComponent component, Map context)
          Create a binding that uses the given component instead of its default component.
protected  Binding AbstractFormBuilder.createDefaultBinding(String fieldName)
          Create a binding by looking up the appropriate registered binding.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder with parameters of type Binding
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.add(Binding binding)
          Adds the field binding to the form.
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.add(Binding binding, String attributes)
          Adds the field binding to the form.
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addBinding(Binding binding, JComponent wrappedControl, String attributes)
          adds a field binding to the form
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addBinding(Binding binding, JComponent wrappedComponent, String attributes, String labelAttributes)
          adds a field binding to the form
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addBinding(Binding binding, String attributes, String labelAttributes)
          adds a field binding to the form.
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addInScrollPane(Binding binding)
          Adds the field binding to the form.
 JComponent[] TableFormBuilder.addInScrollPane(Binding binding, String attributes)
          Adds the field binding to the form.

Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui.binder

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.samples.petclinic.ui.binder that return Binding
protected  Binding PetTypeBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)
protected  Binding CustomDatePickerBinder.doBind(JComponent control, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)

Uses of Binding in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding that implement Binding
 class ListSelectionDialogBinding
          Binding for selection objects in a form.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.selection.binding that return Binding
protected  Binding ListSelectionDialogBinder.doBind(JComponent notUsed, FormModel formModel, String formPropertyPath, Map context)

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