Interface BinderSelectionStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBinderSelectionStrategy, SwingBinderSelectionStrategy

public interface BinderSelectionStrategy

Strategy interface that encapsulates the selection of a Binder for the provided form model, property name and optionally control type.

Oliver Hutchison

Method Summary
 Binder selectBinder(Class controlType, FormModel formModel, String propertyName)
          Returns a binder that is capable of binding the provided control type to the provided form model and property name.
 Binder selectBinder(FormModel formModel, String propertyName)
          Returns a binder for the provided form model and property name.

Method Detail


Binder selectBinder(FormModel formModel,
                    String propertyName)
Returns a binder for the provided form model and property name.

formModel - the form model which contains the property to be bound
propertyName - the name of the property to be bound
the Binder (never null). This binder must be capable of generating it's own control to bind to.
BinderNotFoundException - if there is no suitable binder


Binder selectBinder(Class controlType,
                    FormModel formModel,
                    String propertyName)
Returns a binder that is capable of binding the provided control type to the provided form model and property name.

controlType - the type of the control to be bound
formModel - the form model which contains the property to be bound
propertyName - the name of the property to be bound
the Binder (never null). This binder must be capable of binding to a pre-created control that is of the specified controlType.
BinderNotFoundException - if there is no suitable binder

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