Uses of Interface

Packages that use Messagable

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.application.setup

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.application.setup that implement Messagable
 class SetupIntroWizardPage
 class SetupLicenseWizardPage
          A WizardPage which shows a license text and confirmation radio buttons at the bottom.
 class SetupWizardDialog

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.control

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.control that implement Messagable
 class MessageReportingOverlay
          Component which can be used as an overlay for an other component to the content of a message.

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Subinterfaces of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.dialog
 interface DialogPage
          DialogPages are used to combine several controls in one Dialog which acts as a container.
 interface MessagePane
          Interface to be implemented by GUI panes capable of rendering messages to the user.

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.dialog that implement Messagable
 class AbstractDialogPage
          A convenience implementation of the DialogPage interface.
 class AlertMessageAreaPane
          MessagePane implementation used by MessageDialog.
 class CompositeDialogPage
          An implementation of the DialogPage interface that collects a group of dialog pages together so that they can be used in place of a single DialogPage
 class DefaultMessageAreaModel
          A concrete implementation of the Messagable interface.
 class DefaultMessageAreaPane
 class FormBackedDialogPage
          An implementation of DialogPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.
 class InputApplicationDialog
          Simple input application dialog consisting of a label and a text field for accepting input.
 class TabbedDialogPage
          A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a JTabbedPane.
 class TitledApplicationDialog
 class TitledPageApplicationDialog
          A TitledApplicationDialog that delegates to a single DialogPage for its title, content and messages.
 class TitlePane
          A container class that that has a title area for displaying a title and an image as well as a common area for displaying a description, a message, or an error message.
 class TreeCompositeDialogPage
          A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a tree on the left, and the pages itself on the right.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.dialog that return Messagable
protected  Messagable DefaultMessageAreaModel.getDelegateFor()

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.dialog with parameters of type Messagable
AlertMessageAreaPane(Messagable delegate)
          Creates a new AlertMessageAreaPane that uses the given delegate as a message container.
DefaultMessageAreaModel(Messagable delegate)
DefaultMessageAreaPane(int linesToDisplay, Messagable delegateFor)
DefaultMessageAreaPane(Messagable delegateFor)

Uses of Messagable in

Methods in with parameters of type Messagable
static void DialogPageUtils.addMessageMonitor(DialogPage dialogPage, Messagable monitor)
          Add a message monitor.

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.form

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type Messagable
static ValidationResultsReporter FormModelHelper.createSingleLineResultsReporter(ValidatingFormModel formModel, Messagable messageReceiver)
 ValidationResultsReporter AbstractMasterForm.newSingleLineResultsReporter(Messagable messageReceiver)
          When the results reporter is setup on the master form, we need to capture it and forward it on to the detail form as well.
 ValidationResultsReporter AbstractForm.newSingleLineResultsReporter(Messagable messageReceiver)
          Construct the validation results reporter for this form and attach it to the provided Guarded object.
 ValidationResultsReporter Form.newSingleLineResultsReporter(Messagable messageAreaPane)
          Create a ValidationResultsReporter for this form, sending input to the given Messagable.

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form with parameters of type Messagable
SimpleValidationResultsReporter(ValidationResultsModel resultsModel, Messagable messageReceiver)

Uses of Messagable in

Methods in with parameters of type Messagable
protected  ValidationListener ValidationInterceptor.registerMessageReceiver(String propertyName, Messagable messageReceiver)
          Register a messageReceiver on a specific property.

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.preference

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.preference that implement Messagable
 class FormBackedPreferencePage
 class PreferenceDialog
 class PreferencePage

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.binding

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.binding that implement Messagable
 class DerivedValueModelDialog
 class GenericKeyMapBindingDialog
 class ListSelectionBindingDialog
 class ParentChildFormDialog

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.component

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.component that implement Messagable
 class ShuttleSortableTableDialog
          This sample shows a ShuttleSortableTableModel being used.

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.conversion

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.conversion that implement Messagable
 class NumberConversionDialog

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.dialog

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.dialog that implement Messagable
 class BasicInputApplicationDialog
 class BasicTitledApplicationDialog

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.util that implement Messagable
 class AbstractReporterTitledApplicationDialog

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation that implement Messagable
 class BasicRegExpConstraintDialog
          Show a basic dialog with a regular expression input field and a value input field.
 class StringLenghtConstraintDialog
          Dialog showing a number of fields to manipulate the StringLengthConstraint and see it in action on the value field.

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.wizard

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.wizard that implement Messagable
 class BasicWizardDialog

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.simple.ui that implement Messagable
 class ContactPropertiesDialog
          This is a dialog for editing the properties of a Contact object.

Uses of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.wizard

Subinterfaces of Messagable in org.springframework.richclient.wizard
 interface WizardPage

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.wizard that implement Messagable
 class AbstractWizardPage
 class FormBackedWizardPage
          An implementation of WizardPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.
 class WizardDialog
          Dialog for wizards.

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