
Class Summary
AbstractFormComponentInterceptor Abstract base for FormComponentInterceptorFactory with formModel handling.
AbstractFormComponentStatusBarInterceptor Abstract base class for showing text in the status bar when the form component gains focus.
CheckBoxFormComponentInterceptor FormComponentInterceptor that allows customization on how a CheckBox form property is rendered.
CheckBoxFormComponentInterceptorFactory Factory for CheckBoxFormComponentInterceptorFactory instances.
ColorValidationInterceptorFactory Adds an "overlay" to a component that is triggered by a validation event for JTextComponents.
ConfigurableFormComponentInterceptorFactory FormComponentInterceptorFactory implementation that can include or exclude form models.
DirtyIndicatorInterceptor Adds a "dirty overlay" to a component that is triggered by user editing.
DirtyIndicatorInterceptorFactory Factory for DirtyIndicatorInterceptor instances.
InterceptorOverlayHelper Helper class to attach overlay components to form components.
OverlayValidationInterceptorFactory Adds an "overlay" to a component that is triggered by a validation event.
ShowCaptionInStatusBarInterceptorFactory Shows the caption of a form property in the status bar when the form component gains focus.
ShowDescriptionInStatusBarInterceptorFactory Shows the description of a form property in the status bar when the form component gains focus.
ToolTipInterceptorFactory If a form property has a caption defined in the file it will be used as the tooltip for the form component.
ValidationInterceptor Adds basic functionality to deal with Validation.

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