Uses of Class

Packages that use LabelInfo
org.springframework.binding.form FormModel related interfaces.   
org.springframework.richclient.core Basic interfaces/classes used throughout the richclient. 

Uses of LabelInfo in org.springframework.binding.form

Methods in org.springframework.binding.form that return LabelInfo
 LabelInfo FieldFace.getLabelInfo()
          The text, mnemonic and mnemonicIndex for any labels created for the property.

Uses of LabelInfo in

Methods in that return LabelInfo
 LabelInfo DefaultFieldFace.getLabelInfo()

Constructors in with parameters of type LabelInfo
DefaultFieldFace(String displayName, String caption, String description, LabelInfo labelInfo, Icon icon)

Uses of LabelInfo in org.springframework.richclient.command.config

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.command.config with parameters of type LabelInfo
CommandButtonLabelInfo(LabelInfo labelInfo, KeyStroke accelerator)
          Creates a new CommandButtonLabelInfo with the given label information and keystroke accelerator.

Uses of LabelInfo in org.springframework.richclient.core

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.core that return LabelInfo
static LabelInfo LabelInfo.valueOf(String labelDescriptor)
          Creates a new LabelInfo instance by parsing the given label descriptor to determine the label's text and mnemonic character.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.core with parameters of type LabelInfo
 void LabelConfigurable.setLabelInfo(LabelInfo label)
          Sets the label information.

Uses of LabelInfo in org.springframework.richclient.factory

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.factory that return LabelInfo
protected  LabelInfo DefaultComponentFactory.getLabelInfo(String label)
          Parse the given label to create a LabelInfo.

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