Packages that use PropertyConstraint | |
org.springframework.binding.validation.support | |
org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation | |
org.springframework.richclient.security | Integrates Acegi Security System for Spring into RCP. |
org.springframework.rules | Core interfaces for the expression and function object/rules library. |
org.springframework.rules.constraint | Out of the box predicates that address common needs such as comparison and composition. |
org.springframework.rules.constraint.property | Out of the box predicates and constraint building blocks involving bean properties. |
org.springframework.rules.factory | Factories for creating rules. |
org.springframework.rules.reporting | Rules result reporting interfaces and classes. |
org.springframework.rules.support |
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.binding.validation.support |
Methods in org.springframework.binding.validation.support with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
protected void |
RulesValidator.constraintSatisfied(PropertyConstraint exp)
protected void |
RulesValidator.constraintViolated(PropertyConstraint exp,
PropertyResults propertyResults)
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.validation that return PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
StringLenghtConstraintDialog.StringLengthValue.getPropertyConstraint(String propertyName)
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.richclient.security |
Methods in org.springframework.richclient.security that return PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
LoginDetails.getPropertyConstraint(String propertyName)
Return the property constraints. |
PropertyConstraint |
SessionDetails.getPropertyConstraint(String propertyName)
Deprecated. |
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.rules |
Methods in org.springframework.rules that return PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
RulesSource.getPropertyConstraint(Class beanClass,
String propertyName)
Return the validation rules for the provided bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
RulesSource.getPropertyConstraint(Class beanClass,
String propertyName,
String contextId)
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraintProvider.getPropertyConstraint(String propertyName)
Returns the constraint on the given property. |
PropertyConstraint |
Rules.getPropertyConstraint(String property)
Methods in org.springframework.rules with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
Rules |
Rules.add(PropertyConstraint constraint)
Adds the provided bean property expression (constraint) to the list of constraints for the constrained property. |
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.rules.constraint |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint that return PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.all(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.any(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eq(String propertyName,
Object propertyValue)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eq(String propertyName,
Object propertyValue,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eqProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.eqProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gt(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gte(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gtProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.gtProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inGroup(String propertyName,
Object[] group)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inRange(String propertyName,
Comparable min,
Comparable max)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inRange(String propertyName,
Comparable min,
Comparable max,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inRangeProperties(String propertyName,
String minPropertyName,
String maxPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.inRangeProperties(String propertyName,
String minPropertyName,
String maxPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.like(String property,
Like.LikeType likeType,
String value)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lt(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lte(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.lteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.ltProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.ltProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.not(PropertyConstraint constraint)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.present(String property)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.required(String property)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.unique(String propertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.value(String propertyName,
Constraint valueConstraint)
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
ConstraintsAccessor.not(PropertyConstraint constraint)
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property |
Classes in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property that implement PropertyConstraint | |
class |
Convenience superclass for bean property expressions. |
class |
Abstract base class for unary predicates which compose other predicates. |
class |
Provides a way to trigger rules for propertyB when propertyA satisfies a certain condition: |
class |
class |
A constraint that returns the result of a boolean
expression that tests a variable bean property value against a constant
parameter value. |
class |
A constraint that returns the result of a boolean
expression that tests two variable bean property values. |
class |
Property constraint which works like InGroup constraint but allows
using a dynamic value list to determine if a property value is in a group of
values. |
class |
Predicate that tests if the specified bean property is "present" - that is, passes the "Required" test. |
class |
A constraint that returns the result of a boolean
expression that tests a variable bean property value against a predicate
(constraint). |
class |
class |
Validates a property value as 'required' if some other condition is true. |
class |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
CompoundPropertyConstraint |
CompoundPropertyConstraint.add(PropertyConstraint constraint)
Add the specified predicate to the set of predicates aggregated by this compound predicate. |
Constructors in org.springframework.rules.constraint.property with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
ConditionalPropertyConstraint(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint)
ConditionalPropertyConstraint(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
PropertyConstraint elseConstraint)
ConditionalPropertyConstraint(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
PropertyConstraint elseConstraint,
String type)
Create a constraint which simulates the if...then...else pattern applied on separate properties. |
ConditionalPropertyConstraint(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
String type)
Create a constraint which simulates the if...then pattern applied on separate properties. |
NegatedPropertyConstraint(PropertyConstraint e)
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.rules.factory |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory that return PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.all(Constraint[] valueConstraints)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.all(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
Apply an "all" value constraint to the provided bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.any(Constraint[] valueConstraints)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.any(String propertyName,
Constraint[] constraints)
Apply an "any" value constraint to the provided bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.eq(Object value)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.eq(String propertyName,
Object propertyValue)
Apply a "equal to" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.eq(String propertyName,
Object propertyValue,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a "equal to" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.eqProperty(String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.eqProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
Apply a "equal to" constraint to two bean properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.eqProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a "equal to" constraint to two bean properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.gt(Comparable value)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.gt(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
Apply a "greater than" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.gte(Comparable value)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.gte(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
Apply a "greater than equal to" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.gteProperty(String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.gteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
Apply a "greater than or equal to" constraint to two properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.gteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a "greater than or equal to" constraint to two properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.gtProperty(String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.gtProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
Apply a "greater than" constraint to two properties |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.gtProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a "greater than" constraint to two properties |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
PropertyConstraint elseConstraint)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
PropertyConstraint elseConstraint,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.inGroup(String propertyName,
Object[] group)
Returns a 'in' group (or set) constraint appled to the provided property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.inRange(Comparable min,
Comparable max)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.inRange(String propertyName,
Comparable min,
Comparable max)
Apply a inclusive "range" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.inRange(String propertyName,
Object min,
Object max,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a inclusive "range" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.inRangeProperties(String minProperty,
String maxProperty)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.inRangeProperties(String propertyName,
String minPropertyName,
String maxPropertyName)
Apply a inclusive "range" constraint between two other properties to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.inRangeProperties(String propertyName,
String minPropertyName,
String maxPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a inclusive "range" constraint between two other properties to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.like(String property,
Like.LikeType likeType,
String value)
Return a 'like' constraint applied as a value constraint to the provided property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.lt(Comparable value)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.lt(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
Apply a "less than" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.lte(Comparable value)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.lte(String propertyName,
Comparable propertyValue)
Apply a "less than equal to" constraint to a bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.lteProperty(String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.lteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
Apply a "less than or equal to" constraint to two properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.lteProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a "less than or equal to" constraint to two properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyConstraints.ltProperty(String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ltProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName)
Apply a "less than" constraint to two properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ltProperty(String propertyName,
String otherPropertyName,
Comparator comparator)
Apply a "less than" constraint to two properties. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.not(PropertyConstraint e)
Negate a bean property expression. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.present(String propertyName)
Returns a present bean property expression. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.required(String property)
Returns a required bean property expression. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.unique(String propertyName)
Create a unique property value constraint that will test a collection of domain objects, returning true if all objects have unique values for the provided propertyName. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.value(String propertyName,
Constraint valueConstraint)
Attach a value constraint for the provided bean property. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.valueProperties(String propertyName,
BinaryConstraint constraint,
String otherPropertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.valueProperty(String propertyName,
BinaryConstraint constraint,
Object value)
Methods in org.springframework.rules.factory with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
PropertyConstraint[] elseConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint[] thenConstraints,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
PropertyConstraint elseConstraint)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
PropertyConstraint elseConstraint,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.ifTrue(PropertyConstraint ifConstraint,
PropertyConstraint thenConstraint,
String type)
Returns a ConditionalPropertyConstraint: one property will trigger the validation of another. |
PropertyConstraint |
Constraints.not(PropertyConstraint e)
Negate a bean property expression. |
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.rules.reporting |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.reporting with parameters of type PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyResults |
BeanValidationResultsCollector.collectPropertyResults(PropertyConstraint propertyRootExpression)
void |
BeanValidationResultsBuilder.setCurrentBeanPropertyExpression(PropertyConstraint expression)
Uses of PropertyConstraint in org.springframework.rules.support |
Methods in org.springframework.rules.support that return PropertyConstraint | |
PropertyConstraint |
DefaultRulesSource.getPropertyConstraint(Class bean,
String propertyName)
PropertyConstraint |
DefaultRulesSource.getPropertyConstraint(Class bean,
String propertyName,
String contextId)