Class Assert

  extended by org.springframework.util.Assert
      extended by org.springframework.richclient.util.Assert

public class Assert
extends Assert

A convenience extension to Spring's Assert class. This is mainly for use within the framework.

Oliver Hutchinson, Kevin Stembridge

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void noElementsNull(Object[] array, String arrayName)
          Confirms that the given array is not null and that all of its elements are not null also.
static void required(Object object, String name)
          Assert that an object required; that is, it is not null.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.util.Assert
doesNotContain, doesNotContain, hasLength, hasLength, hasText, hasText, isAssignable, isAssignable, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isNull, isNull, isTrue, isTrue, noNullElements, noNullElements, notEmpty, notEmpty, notEmpty, notEmpty, notEmpty, notEmpty, notNull, notNull, state, state
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Assert()
Method Detail


public static void required(Object object,
                            String name)
Assert that an object required; that is, it is not null.
 required(clazz, "class");

object - the object to check
name - the name of the object being checked
IllegalArgumentException - if the object is null


public static void noElementsNull(Object[] array,
                                  String arrayName)
Confirms that the given array is not null and that all of its elements are not null also.

array - The array whose elements, if any, must all be non-null.
arrayName - The property name of the array, only used for display purposes. May be null.
IllegalArgumentException - if the given array is null or if any of its elements are null.

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