Class GuiStandardUtils

  extended by org.springframework.richclient.util.GuiStandardUtils

public class GuiStandardUtils
extends Object

Utility functions that help enforce a standard look and feel in accordance with the Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines.

Keith Donald

Method Summary
static JComponent attachBorder(JComponent c)
static JComponent attachBorder(JComponent c, Border border)
static JComponent attachDialogBorder(JComponent c)
static JTextArea configureStandardTextArea(JTextArea textArea)
static JComponent createCommandButtonColumn(JButton[] buttons)
          Make a vertical row of buttons of equal size, whch are equally spaced, and aligned on the right.
static JComponent createCommandButtonRow(JButton[] buttons)
          Make a horizontal row of buttons of equal size, whch are equally spaced, and aligned on the right.
static void createDebugBorder(JComponent c, Color color)
          Useful debug function to place a colored, line border around a component for layout management debugging.
static String createDialogTitle(String appName, String dialogName)
          Return text which conforms to the Look and Feel Design Guidelines for the title of a dialog : the application name, a colon, then the name of the specific dialog.
static Border createEvenlySpacedBorder(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize space)
static Border createEvenlySpacedBorder(int spacePx)
static Border createLeftAndRightBorder(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize space)
static Border createLeftAndRightBorder(int spacePx)
static JTextArea createStandardTextArea(int rows, int columns)
static JTextArea createStandardTextArea(String text)
          An alternative to multi-line labels, for the presentation of several lines of text, and for which the line breaks are determined solely by the control.
static JTextArea createStandardTextAreaHardNewLines(String text)
          An alternative to multi-line labels, for the presentation of several lines of text, and for which line breaks are determined solely by aText, and not by the control.
static Border createTopAndBottomBorder(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize space)
static Border createTopAndBottomBorder(int spacePx)
static void equalizeSizes(JComponent[] components)
          Sets the items in aComponents to the same size.
static Border getStandardDialogBorder()
static JTextArea textAreaAsLabel(JTextArea textArea)
          This will allow selection and copy to work but still retain the label look
static JTextComponent textComponentAsLabel(JTextComponent textcomponent)
          This will allow selection and copy to work but still retain the label look
static void truncateLabelIfLong(JLabel label)
          If aLabel has text which is longer than MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, then truncate the label text and place an ellipsis at the end; the original text is placed in a tooltip.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static JComponent attachBorder(JComponent c,
                                      Border border)


public static JComponent attachBorder(JComponent c)


public static JComponent attachDialogBorder(JComponent c)


public static Border getStandardDialogBorder()


public static Border createEvenlySpacedBorder(int spacePx)


public static Border createEvenlySpacedBorder(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize space)


public static Border createLeftAndRightBorder(int spacePx)


public static Border createLeftAndRightBorder(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize space)


public static Border createTopAndBottomBorder(int spacePx)


public static Border createTopAndBottomBorder(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ConstantSize space)


public static String createDialogTitle(String appName,
                                       String dialogName)
Return text which conforms to the Look and Feel Design Guidelines for the title of a dialog : the application name, a colon, then the name of the specific dialog.

dialogName - the short name of the dialog.


public static JComponent createCommandButtonRow(JButton[] buttons)
Make a horizontal row of buttons of equal size, whch are equally spaced, and aligned on the right.

The returned component has border spacing only on the top (of the size recommended by the Look and Feel Design Guidelines). All other spacing must be applied elsewhere ; usually, this will only mean that the dialog's top-level panel should use #buildStandardBorder.

buttons - contains JButton objects.
A row displaying the buttons horizontally.


public static JComponent createCommandButtonColumn(JButton[] buttons)
Make a vertical row of buttons of equal size, whch are equally spaced, and aligned on the right.

The returned component has border spacing only on the left (of the size recommended by the Look and Feel Design Guidelines). All other spacing must be applied elsewhere ; usually, this will only mean that the dialog's top-level panel should use #buildStandardBorder.

buttons - contains JButton objects.
A column displaying the buttons vertically.


public static void equalizeSizes(JComponent[] components)
Sets the items in aComponents to the same size. Sets each component's preferred and maximum sizes. The actual size is determined by the layout manager, which adjusts for locale-specific strings and customized fonts. (See this Sun doc for more information.)

components - contains JComponent objects.


public static JTextArea createStandardTextArea(int rows,
                                               int columns)


public static JTextArea createStandardTextArea(String text)
An alternative to multi-line labels, for the presentation of several lines of text, and for which the line breaks are determined solely by the control.

text - text that does not contain newline characters or html.
JTextArea which is not editable, has improved spacing over the supplied default (placing UIConstants.ONE_SPACEon the left and right), and which wraps lines on word boundarie.


public static JTextArea configureStandardTextArea(JTextArea textArea)


public static JTextArea createStandardTextAreaHardNewLines(String text)
An alternative to multi-line labels, for the presentation of several lines of text, and for which line breaks are determined solely by aText, and not by the control.

text - the text to be placed in the text area.
JTextArea which is not editable and has improved spacing over the supplied default (placing UIConstants.ONE_SPACEon the left and right).


public static void truncateLabelIfLong(JLabel label)
If aLabel has text which is longer than MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, then truncate the label text and place an ellipsis at the end; the original text is placed in a tooltip. This is particularly useful for displaying file names, whose length can vary widely between deployments.

label - The label to truncate if length() > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH.


public static JTextArea textAreaAsLabel(JTextArea textArea)
This will allow selection and copy to work but still retain the label look


public static JTextComponent textComponentAsLabel(JTextComponent textcomponent)
This will allow selection and copy to work but still retain the label look


public static void createDebugBorder(JComponent c,
                                     Color color)
Useful debug function to place a colored, line border around a component for layout management debugging.

c - the component
color - the border color

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