Package org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling

Provides exception handlers to deal with uncaught exceptions.


Interface Summary
RegisterableExceptionHandler An exception handler which can be registered (to for example the EDT and all threads).

Class Summary
AbstractDialogExceptionHandler Logs a throwable and shows a dialog about it to the user.
AbstractLoggingExceptionHandler Superclass of logging exception handlers.
AbstractRegisterableExceptionHandler Uses 1.5 API.
AwtExceptionHandlerAdapterHack Uncaught exception handler designed to work with JDK 1.4 and 1.5's primitive API for registering exception handlers for the event thread.
EmailNotifierErrorReporter This email reporter can be added as ErrorReporter to the JXErrorDialogExceptionHandler.
HibernateValidatorDialogExceptionHandler Displays the validation errors to the user.
JXErrorDialogExceptionHandler Error handler based on the JXErrorPane found in the swingx project.
MessagesDialogExceptionHandler Displays a message to the user which is fetched from the I18N files based on the class and superclasses of the throwable.
SilentExceptionHandler Logs a throwable but does not notify the user in any way.

Enum Summary
LogLevel This enum is not available in Logging commons, but it should be.
ShutdownPolicy A paramater value to determines if the user should or should not be asked or forced to shutdown the application when an exception occurs.

Package org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling Description

Provides exception handlers to deal with uncaught exceptions.

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