Package org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.delegation

Contains classes that can analyze and delegate a throwable to the appropriate exception handler.


Interface Summary
ExceptionHandlerDelegate A delegate that might want to handle a throwable.
ExceptionPurger Purges a throwable, ussually by looking into it's chain.

Class Summary
AbstractExceptionHandlerDelegate Superclass for delegate implementations
ChainInspectingExceptionHandlerDelegate Checks the exception chain to determine if it wants to handle it.
DefaultExceptionPurger A purger that looks through to a throwable chain and can select one to unwrap.
DelegatingExceptionHandler An exception handler that selects an appropriate exception handler from a list based on the thrown exception and delegates the handling of the exception to it.
SimpleExceptionHandlerDelegate Handles the thrownTrowable by the exception handler if it is an instance of one of the throwableClassList.

Package org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.delegation Description

Contains classes that can analyze and delegate a throwable to the appropriate exception handler.

Geoffrey De Smet

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