Interface CommandButtonConfigurer

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultCommandButtonConfigurer, MenuItemButtonConfigurer, PullDownMenuButtonConfigurer, ToolBarCommandButtonConfigurer

public interface CommandButtonConfigurer

A configurer for Swing buttons that have an associated command.

Keith Donald

Method Summary
 void configure(AbstractButton button, AbstractCommand command, CommandFaceDescriptor faceDescriptor)
          Configures the given button and optional command object with the properties of the given descriptor.

Method Detail


void configure(AbstractButton button,
               AbstractCommand command,
               CommandFaceDescriptor faceDescriptor)
Configures the given button and optional command object with the properties of the given descriptor.

button - The button to be configured. Must not be null.
command - The command to be configured. May be null.
faceDescriptor - The object describing the visual properties of the command button. Must not be null.
IllegalArgumentException - if button or faceDescriptor are null.

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