Package org.springframework.richclient.image

Provides a image and icon loading library using resource-bundle style key lookup.


Interface Summary
IconSource A loader and cache for Swing ImageIcons.
ImageSource A interface for retrieving images by key.
SizedIconSource Interface to be implemented by icon registries which can reload their icons with a new size dynamically.

Class Summary
ArrowIcon A directional arrow icon; the direction can either be UP or DOWN.
ArrowIcon.Direction Type-safe enum for the ArrowIcon's directional capability.
AwtImageResource A resource decorator that represents an underlying graphical AWT image, such as a GIF, JPEG, or PNG.
DefaultIconSource The default implementation of ImageIconRegistry.
DefaultIconSource.IconCache Icon cache using soft references.
DefaultImageSource A collection of image resources, each indexed by a common key alias.
EmptyIcon A empty icon is a blank icon useful for ensuring alignment in menus between menuitems that have and do not have icons.
Handler A URL protocol handler that resolves images from an ImageSource.
IconSize Enum for various supported icon sizes.
InsetsIcon Code taken from
ReloadableSizedIconSource Default implementation of a reloadable sized icon registry.
ShadowedIcon Code taken from

Exception Summary
NoSuchImageResourceException Indicates that a image resource could not be found from an underlying data source.

Package org.springframework.richclient.image Description

Provides a image and icon loading library using resource-bundle style key lookup. This library abstracts away hardcoded image paths in your code, supports at-runtime resizable icons (for accessbility), and provides built in broken image indicator support. Automatic caching of images and icons using soft references is also provided.

The design is very like Spring's MessageSource support and also builds off Spring's classes for accessing images from a underlying resource such as a file, URL, or the classpath.

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