Uses of Class

Packages that use IconSize
org.springframework.richclient.image Provides a image and icon loading library using resource-bundle style key lookup. 

Uses of IconSize in org.springframework.richclient.image

Fields in org.springframework.richclient.image declared as IconSize
static IconSize IconSize.LARGE
          The standard 24 pixel "large" icon.
static IconSize IconSize.SMALL
          The standard 16 pixel "small" icon.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.image with parameters of type IconSize
 void SizedIconSource.reload(IconSize size)
          Reload all icons in this registry with the provided IconSize.
 void ReloadableSizedIconSource.reload(IconSize size)

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.image with parameters of type IconSize
EmptyIcon(IconSize size)
          EmptyIcon objects are always square, having identical height and width.
ReloadableSizedIconSource(IconSize iconSize, ImageSource iconResources)
          Create a sized icon registry with icons of a specified size and icon resources to be loaded from the specified image source.

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