Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractDialogPage

Uses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.application.setup

Subclasses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.application.setup
 class SetupIntroWizardPage
 class SetupLicenseWizardPage
          A WizardPage which shows a license text and confirmation radio buttons at the bottom.

Uses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.dialog

Subclasses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.dialog
 class CompositeDialogPage
          An implementation of the DialogPage interface that collects a group of dialog pages together so that they can be used in place of a single DialogPage
 class FormBackedDialogPage
          An implementation of DialogPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.
 class TabbedDialogPage
          A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a JTabbedPane.
 class TreeCompositeDialogPage
          A concrete implementation of CompositeDialogPage that presents the child pages in a tree on the left, and the pages itself on the right.

Uses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.preference

Subclasses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.preference
 class FormBackedPreferencePage
 class PreferencePage

Uses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.wizard

Subclasses of AbstractDialogPage in org.springframework.richclient.wizard
 class AbstractWizardPage
 class FormBackedWizardPage
          An implementation of WizardPage that delegates to a FormPage for its control, pageComplete status and messages.

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