Uses of Class

Packages that use GroupMember

Uses of GroupMember in org.springframework.richclient.command

Subclasses of GroupMember in org.springframework.richclient.command
 class ComponentGroupMember
          A implementation of the GroupMember interface that can be associated with instances of Components.
 class ExpansionPointGroupMember
          A collection of GroupMembers that represent a subsection of a CommandGroup.
 class GlueGroupMember
          A member of a CommandGroup that represents a 'glue' component between other members of the group.
 class LazyGroupMember
          A GroupMember implementation that can be used as a placeholder for lazily initialized commands.
 class SeparatorGroupMember
          A command group member that represents a separator between other members of the group.
 class SimpleGroupMember
          A simple implementation of the GroupMember interface that manages normal commands that can be associated with instances of AbstractButtons.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.command that return GroupMember
 GroupMember ExpansionPointGroupMember.getMemberFor(String commandId)
          Returns the group member that manages the command with the given id, or null if none of the members in this expansion point manage a command with that id.

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.command with parameters of type GroupMember
protected  void ExpansionPointGroupMember.add(GroupMember member)
          Attempts to add the given member to this expansion point.
 void GroupMemberList.add(GroupMember member)
 void GroupMemberList.append(GroupMember member)
 void ExpansionPointGroupMember.remove(GroupMember member)
          If the given member belongs to this exponsion point, it will be removed.

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