Uses of Interface

Packages that use ApplicationWindowAware   
org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command Integrates Acegi Security System for Spring into RCP. 

Uses of ApplicationWindowAware in

Classes in that implement ApplicationWindowAware
 class AboutCommand
 class ApplicationWindowAwareCommand
          A skeleton implementation of an action command that needs to be aware of the ApplicationWindow in which it resides.
 class ExitCommand
          An action command that causes the application to exit.
 class HelpContentsCommand
 class NewWindowCommand
 class ShowPageCommand
          An action command for displaying a Page based on a provided PageDescriptor.
 class ShowPageMenu
          A menu containing a collection of sub-menu items that each display a given page.
 class ShowViewCommand
          An action command for displaying a View based on a provided ViewDescriptor.
 class ShowViewMenu
          A menu containing a collection of sub-menu items that each display a given view.

Uses of ApplicationWindowAware in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command

Classes in org.springframework.richclient.samples.showcase.command that implement ApplicationWindowAware
 class TitleBarTimeStampCommand
          Simple command testing the ApplicationWindowAwareCommand class.

Uses of ApplicationWindowAware in

Classes in that implement ApplicationWindowAware
 class LoginCommand
          Provides a login interface to the user.
 class LogoutCommand
          Provides a command to log the current user out.

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