Interface ApplicationWindowAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
AboutCommand, ApplicationWindowAwareCommand, ExitCommand, HelpContentsCommand, LoginCommand, LogoutCommand, NewWindowCommand, ShowPageCommand, ShowPageMenu, ShowViewCommand, ShowViewMenu, TitleBarTimeStampCommand

public interface ApplicationWindowAware

Interface to be implemented by application components that want to be made aware of the ApplicationWindow that they have been created within. Note that simply implementing this interface is not enough to ensure that your components are injected with the ApplicationWindow reference. This is dependent on the factory or framework code that instantiates the components. For example, the DefaultApplicationLifecycleAdvisor class is a framework component that can instantiate command objects for use in toolbars, menus etc. If any of these commands implement ApplicationWindowAware, the lifecycle advisor will inject the appropriate ApplicationWindow into them.

Method Summary
 void setApplicationWindow(ApplicationWindow window)
          Sets the reference to the application window that this object was created within.

Method Detail


void setApplicationWindow(ApplicationWindow window)
Sets the reference to the application window that this object was created within.

window - The application window containing this component.

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