Class DefaultValueChangeDetector

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultValueChangeDetector
extends Object
implements ValueChangeDetector

Implementation of ValueChangeDetector that maintains a set of classes for which it is "safe" to use equals() for detecting a change in value (those classes that have immutable values). For all objects of a type in this set, the value comparison will be done using equals. For all other types, object equivalence (the == operator) will be used.

This is the default value change detector handed out by the Application Services.

Larry Streepy

Field Summary
protected  Set classesWithSafeEquals
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Collection getClassesWithSafeEquals()
          Get the set of classes that have an equals method that is safe to use for determining a value change.
 boolean hasValueChanged(Object oldValue, Object newValue)
          Determines if there has been a change in value between the provided arguments.
 void setClassesWithSafeEquals(Collection classes)
          Specify the set of classes that have an equals method that is safe to use for determining a value change.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Set classesWithSafeEquals
Constructor Detail


public DefaultValueChangeDetector()
Method Detail


public boolean hasValueChanged(Object oldValue,
                               Object newValue)
Determines if there has been a change in value between the provided arguments. As many objects do not implement #equals in a manner that is strict enough for the requirements of this class, difference is determined using !=, however, to improve accuracy #equals will be used when this is definitely safe e.g. for Strings, Booleans, Numbers, Dates.

Specified by:
hasValueChanged in interface ValueChangeDetector
oldValue - Original object value
newValue - New object value
true if the objects are different enough to indicate a change in the value model


public void setClassesWithSafeEquals(Collection classes)
Specify the set of classes that have an equals method that is safe to use for determining a value change.

classes - with safe equals methods


public Collection getClassesWithSafeEquals()
Get the set of classes that have an equals method that is safe to use for determining a value change.

Collection of classes with safe equals methods

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