Class MessageSourceFieldFaceSource

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MessageSourceFieldFaceSource
extends CachingFieldFaceSource

An implementation of FieldFaceSource that resolves the FieldFace from the MessageSourceAccessor provided to the setMessageSourceAccessor method or from the ApplicationServices singleton if none is provided.

The various properties of the FieldFace are resolved from a message source using message codes. These codes where generated by a MessageCodeStrategy. If no other MessageCodeStrategy is defined an instance of DefaultMessageCodeStrategy will be used

Oliver Hutchison, Mathias Broekelmann

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new MessageSourcePropertyFaceDescriptorSource.
Method Summary
protected  IconSource getIconSource()
protected  String getMessage(String contextId, String fieldPath, String[] faceDescriptorProperty)
          Returns the value of the required property of the FieldFace.
protected  String getMessage(String contextId, String fieldPath, String[] faceDescriptorProperties, String defaultValue)
          Returns the value of the required property of the FieldFace.
protected  String[] getMessageKeys(String contextId, String fieldPath, String[] faceDescriptorProperties)
          Returns an array of message keys that are used to resolve the required property of the FieldFace.
 MessageCodeStrategy getMessageKeyStrategy()
protected  MessageSourceAccessor getMessageSourceAccessor()
          If a message source was provided to the setMessageSourceAccessor method returns that otherwise returns the default message source located using the ApplicationServices singleton
protected  FieldFace loadFieldFace(String field, Object context)
          Loads the FieldFace for the given field path and context id.
protected  FieldFace loadFieldFace(String field, String contextId)
 void setIconSource(IconSource iconSource)
          Set the icon source that will be used to resolve the FieldFace's icon property.
 void setMessageKeyStrategy(MessageCodeStrategy messageKeyStrategy)
 void setMessageSourceAccessor(MessageSourceAccessor messageSourceAccessor)
          Set the message source that will be used to resolve the FieldFace's properties.
Methods inherited from class
getFieldFace, getFieldFace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessageSourceFieldFaceSource()
Constructs a new MessageSourcePropertyFaceDescriptorSource.

Method Detail


public void setMessageSourceAccessor(MessageSourceAccessor messageSourceAccessor)
Set the message source that will be used to resolve the FieldFace's properties.


protected MessageSourceAccessor getMessageSourceAccessor()
If a message source was provided to the setMessageSourceAccessor method returns that otherwise returns the default message source located using the ApplicationServices singleton


public void setIconSource(IconSource iconSource)
Set the icon source that will be used to resolve the FieldFace's icon property.


protected IconSource getIconSource()


protected String getMessage(String contextId,
                            String fieldPath,
                            String[] faceDescriptorProperty)
Returns the value of the required property of the FieldFace. Delegates to the getMessageKeys for the message key generation strategy. This method uses [contextId + "." + ] fieldPath [ + "." + faceDescriptorProperty[0]] for the default value


protected String getMessage(String contextId,
                            String fieldPath,
                            String[] faceDescriptorProperties,
                            String defaultValue)
Returns the value of the required property of the FieldFace. Delegates to the getMessageKeys for the message key generation strategy.


protected String[] getMessageKeys(String contextId,
                                  String fieldPath,
                                  String[] faceDescriptorProperties)
Returns an array of message keys that are used to resolve the required property of the FieldFace. The property will be resolved from the message source using the returned message keys in order.

Subclasses my override this method to provide an alternative to the default message key generation strategy.


protected FieldFace loadFieldFace(String field,
                                  String contextId)


protected FieldFace loadFieldFace(String field,
                                  Object context)
Description copied from class: CachingFieldFaceSource
Loads the FieldFace for the given field path and context id. This value will be cached so performance need not be a concern of this method.

Specified by:
loadFieldFace in class CachingFieldFaceSource
field - the form field path
context - optional context for which the FieldFace is being resolved
the FieldFace for the given context id (never null).


public MessageCodeStrategy getMessageKeyStrategy()


public void setMessageKeyStrategy(MessageCodeStrategy messageKeyStrategy)

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