Upgrading from 0.2.x to 1.0.0

  • Exception handling refactor

    Take a look at the Petclinic's exceptionHandling view and it's application context. BadCredentialsException shouldn't be logged as an error (but a warn or info), while OutOfMemoryError should be logged as an error and force an application shutdown. This is now configurable, with the support classes in the tiger module. There is an inferiour default, that works in 1.4.

    It's no longer possible to wire in a eventExceptionHandler Class into the lifecycleAdvisor.

    <bean id="lifecycleAdvisor"
        <property name="eventExceptionHandler" ... <!-- No longer possible -->

    Instead there is the much finer grained system, by injecting a registerableExceptionHandler. If you are using java 1.5, use at least this:

    <bean id="petclinicLifecycleAdvisor" ...>
        <property name="registerableExceptionHandler" ref="exceptionHandler"/>
    <bean id="exceptionHandler" class="org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.MessagesDialogExceptionHandler">
        <property name="logLevel" value="ERROR"/>
        <property name="shutdownPolicy" value="NONE"/>

    With this in your messages.properties:

    java.lang.RuntimeException.caption = Unexpected general bug
    java.lang.RuntimeException.description = \
      The application experienced an unexpected bug,\n\
      due to a programming error.\n\
      The application is possibly in an inconsistent state.\n\
      It's recommended to reboot the application.\n\
      The exact bug is:\n\
      Please report this bug.
    java.lang.Error.caption = Unexpected serious system failure
    java.lang.Error.description = \
      A serious system failure occured.\n\
      The application is possibly in an inconsistent state.\n\
      Reboot the application.\n\
      The exact bug is:\n\
      Please report this bug.

    See Petclinic for an advanced features example using the delegating exception handler, which allows you to analyze the throwable and delegate to a different handler based on it's type etc.

  • Exception catching improvements in ApplicationLauncher

    ApplicationLauncher no longer wraps it's runtime exceptions in an ApplicationException and it no longer logs them either before throwing. This is to avoid double logging when both logging and throwing - as the thrown will probably be logged too.

    So you might want to try-catch your ApplicationLauncher startup:

    try {
        new ApplicationLauncher(...);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        logger.error("RuntimeException during startup", e);

    Or you could initialize an LoggingExceptionHandler on your main thread before using ApplicationLauncher.

  • In LoginCommand, the method handleLoginFailure(Authentication authentication, AcegiSecurityException e) has been removed.

    LoginCommand no longer handles an authentication exception, but lets the global exception handler handle it.

    To get a decent i18n based bad credentials message, you 'll probably want to enable a MessagesDialogExceptionHandler (see petclinic) and configure this in your messages.properties:

    org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException.caption = Authentication failed
    org.acegisecurity.BadCredentialsException.description = \
      Your username did not match your password.\n\
      Please verify your username and password.
    org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationException.caption = Authentication failed
    org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationException.description = \
      You are not or no longer allowed to log in.\n\
      Please verify your username.
  • Automatic service bean lookup

    DefaultApplicationServices now searches for a bean with a name of the decapitalized short name of the requested service type, if no bean was defined through direct injection. ApplicationServicesLocator can be used to lookup custom services as well without injecting them through registryEntries property of DefaultApplicationServices.

    If the service type is org.springframework.rules.RulesSource the name to lookup will be rulesSource. If a bean can be found in the current application context and it implements org.springframework.rules.RulesSource it will be used as the implementation for it.

  • Upgraded dependencies on spring 2.0 final.
  • ApplicationDialog small refactoring

    setParent(Window) is replaced by setParentComponent(Component). This allows to pass any component which has the appropriate Frame/Dialog in it's hierarchy. Window can still be retrieved by getParentWindow().

    setLocationRelativeTo(Component) is added. Before this method, the parent component was always used (if given) to set the location, but this might not be the preferred way. This method provides more flexibility as to where your dialog will be placed besides the setLocation(point) method.

    • ShowViewCommand no longer has a no-args constructor. See JIRA issue RCP-452 for details.
    • LabelInfoFactory is now deprecated in favour of factory methods on the appropriated LabelInfo and CommandButtonLabelInfo classes.
    • All instance variables which had a name prefix of _ have been removed of that prefix. For example all _logger varialbes have been renamed to logger.
    • ValidationInterceptor now does an initial check when registering Guarded objects or MessageReceivers. This because the ValidationResultsModel can already contain some values.
    • SimpleValidationResultsReporter has it's guarded component removed because this was a mixed concern. If you need this behaviour, use the addGuarded(guard) methods on Form or simply construct your own FormGuard object and add your guarded object with mask FormGuard.FORMERROR_GUARDED.
    • ValidationResultsReporter is refactored and had its parent/child methods removed. Chaining ResultsReporters usually results in strange and complicated behaviour (especially when having multiple parent-child relations and when the hierarchy changes a lot). It's better to chain the ValidationResultsModels and have them collect and forward the messages.
    • ValidationResultsModel now can have children. When chaining DefaultFormModels, their ValidationResultsModels are linked as well and they forward their events as needed. Any ValidationListener registered on a ValidationResultsModel will receive events of it's children too. A ValidationResultsModel can be used to combine multiple other resultsModels and bundle their events.
    • Clean up and improvements to the delegating exception handler

      org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.DelegatingExceptionHandler has been moved to org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.delegation.DelegatingExceptionHandler

      org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.DelegatingExceptionHandlerDelegate has been moved and renamed to org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.delegation.SimpleExceptionHandlerDelegate

      It's now possible to plug in your own ExceptionHandlerDelegate's and there's a new one which can select based on a exception chain hierarchy ChainInspectingExceptionHandlerDelegate (however a simple ExceptionPurger in SimpleExceptionHandlerDelegate will suffice most likely).

    • Most exception handlers now support ExceptionPurger, which is great for unwrapping wrapper exceptions or bubbling out very specific exceptions from an exception chain.
    • MessagesDialogExceptionHandler can now have a messagesKey, which turns off the dynamic messagesKey determination based on the throwable.

      MessagesDialogExceptionHandler no longer has evaluatedChainedIndex, use a DefaultExceptionPurger instead.

    • org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.SimpleLoggingExceptionHandler has been renamed to org.springframework.richclient.exceptionhandling.SilentExceptionHandler
    • Message has been refactored to an interface, a DefaultMessage implementation is provided, replace all uses of Message constructor with the one from DefaultMessage. More info in issue: RCP-479.
    • ValidationMessage now extends Message, no converting is necessary from now on
    • Severity has been moved to the core package as it is used in the Message interface (not only in validation cases), update your imports
    • Magic beannames menuBar/toolBar/windowCommandManager are removed, add the following to your advisor configuration:
      <bean id="lifecycleAdvisor" class=...
          <property name="windowCommandManagerBeanName" value="windowCommandManager" />
          <property name="menubarBeanName" value="menuBar" />
          <property name="toolbarBeanName" value="toolBar" />
    • Cleaned up AbstractFormBuilder. Deprecated methods are removed, use the createXXX methods instead of the old getXXX methods.
    • StatusBarCommandGroup has been refactored to StatusBar. The ApplicationLifecycleAdvisor now has a getStatusBar() method which returns the default implementation of StatusBar (DefaultStatusBar).
    • Images are moved to a namespaced package. The resourceBasePath that was used to prefix the images and was defined in your application context should be removed. Your own images.properties file should use full paths and not rely on the resourceBasePath.
    • Renamed module spring-richclient-tiger to spring-richclient-jdk5

Upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

  • The Acegi Security Framework has been replaced with it's newer version Spring Security. Update your dependencies and messages:
    org.springframework.security.BadCredentialsException.caption = Authentication failed
    org.springframework.security.BadCredentialsException.description = \
      Your username did not match your password.\n\
      Please verify your username and password.
    org.springframework.security.AuthenticationException.caption = Authentication failed
    org.springframework.security.AuthenticationException.description = \
      You are not or no longer allowed to log in.\n\
      Please verify your username.
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